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Hillary Again


Gone But Not Forgotten
Hillary Clinton, the lead Presidential Democratic Party candidate, is for banning all guns in America. She is considered by those who have dealt with her, as a little more than just a little self-righteous. At a recent rural elementary school meeting in north Florida, she asked the audience for total quiet. Then, in the silence, she started to slowly clap her hands, once every few seconds, holding the audience in total silence. Then she said into the microphone, 'Every time I clap my hands, a child in America dies from gun violence.'A young voice, with a proud southern accent, (probably Johnny), pierced the quiet, 'Well, stop clappin, stupid!'

I second both responses, I truly doubt that she will ever make it to the white house though. Besides being not to bright, everyone knows she is out to get them. I worry about her as pres, since how many countries are really going to take her or us very seriously after this? I read some disturbing things about Obama the other day..........his muslim ties bother me.
Already had 8 years of the biootch,:puking: just starting to get squared off from that. Not hat Bush has been that great either, but at least we are still some-what free. I say we get rid of ALL those "career politicians" & get us some more "dumb ol country boys" like what started these :flagusa: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. :flagusa:
Already had 8 years of the biootch,:puking: just starting to get squared off from that. Not hat Bush has been that great either, but at least we are still some-what free. I say we get rid of ALL those "career politicians" & get us some more "dumb ol country boys" like what started these :flagusa: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. :flagusa:

problem is the dumb ole boys are too smart than to get themselves in this in the first place. But I do like your idea!