Howdy and welcome aboard Bob .Hello!
I stumbled upon this forum completely by accident. I frequent several niche forums but I like the idea of a lot of niches on one forum. I think I've found another online home. BTW, my name's Bob, see you in the forum.
Really?Thank you all very much. Rusty, I used to be a radio talk show host and news anchor. Now I still talk too much and I'm too opinionated (so I'm told) I just don't get paid for it.
Don't worry about Rusty. He has never seen a working radio. Welcome to the nut house.
Thank you all very much. Rusty, I used to be a radio talk show host and news anchor. Now I still talk too much and I'm too opinionated (so I'm told) I just don't get paid for it.
I stumbled upon this forum completely by accident.
Well Bob, hope you have insurance for this type of accident. You will be damaged.
Thanks for sharing a little about your life Bob , very interesting.You guys are a hoot. . Thanks for the welcomes. In answer to the question, I used to hos a couple of shows on WPZZ 95.9 in Indianapolis, Indiana, and also read news in the afternoon, and produced several shows too. Then they sold the station and we all got put out on our keesters. did a jazz show for public radio for a while after that. I'd like to get back into it, thinking of starting an outdoors show and a storytellers hour.
You guys are a hoot. . Thanks for the welcomes. In answer to the question, I used to hos a couple of shows on WPZZ 95.9 in Indianapolis, Indiana, and also read news in the afternoon, and produced several shows too. Then they sold the station and we all got put out on our keesters. did a jazz show for public radio for a while after that. I'd like to get back into it, thinking of starting an outdoors show and a storytellers hour.
My mother said I have a face for radio, and many others have agreed. Hope you have a thick skin cuz you're gonna need it. Oh, and help yourself to a cinnamon roll with your coffee. Fresh out of the oven.
Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment.Dude, you suck. All I have here is a 3 day old muffin. Them look GOOOOD!!!
Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment.