Gone But Not Forgotten
Wow ! Came home from 3 weeks being gone and it is amazing how green the new pasture is . I had fertilized just before we left on our trip . The new grass is attracting lots of Deer and Elk . Looks like its been raining quite a bit too .
The wild mushroom crop is said to be one of the best in years . The fellow down the road said he would probably pick somewhere around $20 ,000 in wild mushrooms this season in his spare time !!!. They are wild and there for the picking.Great hobby and you get in shape too !!!
Nothing better than fresh Morals deep fried in batter!!!
The wild mushroom crop is said to be one of the best in years . The fellow down the road said he would probably pick somewhere around $20 ,000 in wild mushrooms this season in his spare time !!!. They are wild and there for the picking.Great hobby and you get in shape too !!!
Nothing better than fresh Morals deep fried in batter!!!