I would agree. The answer is no. More specificaly Hell NO!
That said I must plead MeaCulpa. At least to a small extent.
I did help develope an application of the damm things, on Horizontal wrapping machines, in an effort to please several Cereal companies who wanted to put small puzzles and multiple part games inside their products.
I find they either won't open or won't close myself and truly hate them on cheese slice packaging.
Walmart has developed a system that uses a flap with adhesive. PITA
I cannot stand it either.
I did develope a Fugitive Glue Flap apparatus, even began patent applications. But I found no client interested in the product. They all fell in love with the more expensive and far more complicated press and seal stuff of which you are complaining.
I still believe my concept was cheaper to adapt to existing packaging lines and lower in material cost. But I'm an engineer, not salesman. I just failed to close the sale.
So blame me if you like. Sorry.