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Here we go again: Democrats want to tap strategic oil reserves to combat high gas pri


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
More stupidity from the Dumocrats, more proof they will do anything to get their crook in chief re elected. :doh:

In the energy realm, as in every other, Democrats are all about instant gratification. They’ll disparage the idea of opening federal lands to domestic drilling because “it would take years for the new oil to come online” (never mind that if we’d opened them years ago, the oil would already be available!), but they’ll champion the depletion of the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve because tapping it might drive gas prices down quickly enough to ensure reelection.

More here. http://hotair.com/archives/2012/02/...tegic-oil-reserves-to-combat-high-gas-prices/


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Well of course, they now see their popularity falling and people hurting.

There is a major chance of a WORLD WIDE RECESSION/DEPRESSION because of fuel costs.

The Republicans would have a major/winning issue if gas prices remain high during the upcoming election cycle.

So it only makes sense that the Democrats will come up with a stop gap to lower prices. The real question is what happens when they deplete the reserves? If they don't do SOMETHING ELSE then its only going to make things worse as our strategic reserves are drained and then NOT refilled.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Well of course, they now see their popularity falling and people hurting.

There is a major chance of a WORLD WIDE RECESSION/DEPRESSION because of fuel costs.

The Republicans would have a major/winning issue if gas prices remain high during the upcoming election cycle.

So it only makes sense that the Democrats will come up with a stop gap to lower prices. The real question is what happens when they deplete the reserves? If they don't do SOMETHING ELSE then its only going to make things worse as our strategic reserves are drained and then NOT refilled.
Exactly MD, interesting timing for this announcement as well. :ermm:

White House: Construction of the Keystone XL pipeline is still a possibility



New member
GOLD Site Supporter
This isn't the first time it has been done as it was done under Bush 1 during Desert Storm, Bush 2 during Katrina. Not the first time it has been used to stablize and lower gas prices as it is one of the few things a president can do to effect gas prices. Just saying nothing new really.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
This isn't the first time it has been done as it was done under Bush 1 during Desert Storm, Bush 2 during Katrina. Not the first time it has been used to stablize and lower gas prices as it is one of the few things a president can do to effect gas prices. Just saying nothing new really.
Other then the timing, IMO. :smile:


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Other then the timing, IMO. :smile:

It has been used before for the same purpose of keeping the rising prices down for the general populations. It as a matter of fact has been the only reason to date to do so. I think the last time it lowered the price at the pump about 20 to 30%. I was thinking it was also used by Clinton but couldn't find any listing of it so perhaps not.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
It has been used before for the same purpose of keeping the rising prices down for the general populations. It as a matter of fact has been the only reason to date to do so. I think the last time it lowered the price at the pump about 20 to 30%. I was thinking it was also used by Clinton but couldn't find any listing of it so perhaps not.

Joe, you are correct, it has been used before.

But in each time it was used before there were EMERGENCIES like wars and natural disasters or similar types of things.

THIS TIME its going to be used its simply to make Obama electable in November so it is pure politics. Further, this time it is coming at the same time that Obama is saying there is "no magic bullet" and with Obama promoting technologies like algae conversion to bio-diesel that are still a DECADE OR TWO away from possibility, despite the fact that Obama's EPA is making it hard for diesel/bio-diesel cars to even operate in the USA!!!


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
I was thinking it was to check the speculation on it during emergencies to keep the price stable. I do remember it was being discussed when oil prices reached a $100 per barrel a while back when Bush 2 was in office though I don't think it was used.


New member
Exactly MD, interesting timing for this announcement as well. :ermm:

White House: Construction of the Keystone XL pipeline is still a possibility

Good leadership for a change. Doing the southern leg of the pipeline does not require State Department approval, so Hussein really has no say in the matter ... other than to cripple the effort with state-level permitting. So start building the sucker!


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
The top Democrats are bragging that we have more oil being produced than ever. Therefore high gas prices are not the result of shortages. The actual intended purpose of the Strategic reserves was to stabilize supplies, not prices. Flooding the market with a few millin barels will not change prices.

People with common sense know this. However, some of those same peple are Republicans. So, if republicans point that out, then they will be accused of "keeping the price high for their OIL buddies." Or so the story would play in the media.

This is a classic cheap trap by the left to shed bad light on the GOP. Nothing more.

And the GOP wil fall for it, along with the Koolaid drinkers.

As for improving the pice of gasoline, not one red cent. But we will hear how high gas prices "would have gone" had the WH not released crude from the Strategic reserves.

Kinda like how bad unemployment "would have been" without the pork laden Stimulus of 2009.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
I doubt he will open the strategic reserves. Lowering prices is counter intuitive to his grand scheme. Narcissism does not put the blame on oneself.


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Every time the reserve has supposedly been tapped it was all a farce. No oil actually moved anywhere of consequence. A real president would do just like his predecessors did. Place a few phone calls and play hardball with the oil companies as well as our "friendly" arab countries. The biggest reason for price spiking that is occurring is the shutting down of 3 major east coast refineries due to EPA over regulation. Coupled with the normal scheduled outages and blend changeover for summer this creates a short time shortage every year. A real leader could easily STOP the shipment of refined products to overseas markets until domestic prices are stabilized. That would take about 10 days to occur. A bunch of speculators would take a beating just as they should. A congress with real balls would ban this crapshoot with energy stocks and starve the thieves who do this to us all the time. It ain't the amount of crude or shortage of refined product that is causing this. It IS exactly the same thing as the mortgage crisis and a lot of other thievery. When nobody goes to jail for outrageous crimes against the American people it WILL continue to happen time and again.:hammer::hammer: