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Hello Everyone

Hello, I'm Spiffy1, and I have a bad habit of dissapearing. :bonk:

I actually even got the automated reminder just a few days ago. :eek:

Hopefully, I'll get a little FF time again for a while; I let myself get sucked back into some job craziness, combined with still searching for something new and topped with trying to get some painting and other projects done this summer.....and somehow forgot to even say hi occasionally.

So, bad choice of forums for an old guy here, but "Hello everyone!" :smile:
Well, you mentioned painting and other projects, so......that means you have some 'posting material'! Get on it, ole Three Fingers.
Actually, I have been snapping a few, but by the time I think of it, ussually only camera-phone. I'll wade through them in the next day or two; I'm sure a few should be clear enough to be worth posting.

Aquired a puppy this summer too; half Brittany half lab - all "what can I chew on next."

I believe those pictures were on the phone, good a test as any.


  • Puppy.jpg
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Not bad, I'll definitely have to see what I can find worth posting. Though rest assured none with me sporting more paint than the brush.... even I'm not dumb enough to let my wife get pictures of that!
So, bad choice of forums for an old guy here, but "Hello everyone!" :smile:

Hell Spiffy, if your an old guy you'll be right welcome here, at any time. There's more geriatrics here than at your local nursing home.

Nice pup, that should keep you young, busy and frustrated. Stick around ol' friend, I think you'll enjoy it .... again.
Hell Spiffy, if your an old guy you'll be right welcome here, at any time. There's more geriatrics here than at your local nursing home.

Nice pup, that should keep you young, busy and frustrated. Stick around ol' friend, I think you'll enjoy it .... again.

Dang, I meant my post count not my age, but if you insist I'm ready for Social Security: sign me up - I better get it before it's all gone. :yum:
Welcome back Spif. We've shared many-a-thread. Hope you stick around for a while. Take the laptop with you while you walk the dog.
Hey Spiffy, good to see you posting again. Don't listen to bone, he's so old fashioned. Use your iPhone, not a laptop when you are walking that cute puppy. :thumb::D
Hey Spiffy, good to see you posting again. Don't listen to bone, he's so old fashioned. Use your iPhone, not a laptop when you are walking that cute puppy. :thumb::D

Hey Doc! Hi Bonehead!

Afraid the laptop would be ran over by the dog, the cats, the lawnmower, a tractor, or my own clumsiness before I got my first post out. iPhone maybe, but we think we're in style having switched to digital this spring [vs. dropped calls, I actually didn't mind analog's static]! I did debate getting a smart phone, but didn't see any styles I liked for basic phone use, so couldn't quite justify it unless I was sure I'd wan't the extra features.

Regardless, I'll have to try harder to not drift off for too long. :doh:
Great dog find! Can't go wrong with a half lab cross. Brittany's are awesome dogs too. Should be a great friend! :thumb:

I suspected it might be a good blend; thanks for the confirmation! Actually, the mother's owner kept telling us that if we stopped by for a look we'd have to have one; I resisted for a while, thinking winter is coming pretty soon for a half grown dog, but certainly am glad we got her and think she'll do just fine. Not sure if I'll get the chance to train her, but I think she has great potential for a bird dog too. I had to reclaim the barn from a couple swallows [I know they eat bugs, but negotiations on messing up the barn seemed to stall in the language barrier]: she had no fear of the .22 [neither while plinking cans the other day or with the birdshot in the barn] and proudly retrieved one of them after I let her in [don't know of any doggie safety glasses].