Yes I work in the industry but I also farm using farm equipment. When you start talking about using a compact tractor in the production of hay you do have some limitations. The mass of the tractor will limit you most. What I mean is you can not safely use a large disc mower on your tractor just because it has the HP to pull the implement.
There is some micro-equipment available for compacts which is primarily marketed under the Star marketing label, . It is made in Asia and is designed to be used on compact tractors. It is a bit pricey because the way it is marketed. The implements do work. The main implements they have some exclusivity are micro round balers and micro square balers. There are some micro equipment manufactures in Europe like Worlagri,
One also has the option of purchasing scaled down equipment that will work with compact tractors. There are drum mowers, disc mowers and sicklebar mowers designed specifically for use on compact tractors. Some of those names are Tonutti, G&S, CCM, HayMAG, EnoRossi, Befco.
You can find some older US made sickle-bar mowers that will work on your compact tractor. New Holland, Ford, Massey, New Idea, Case/IH and John Deere.
Most of the current production of hay rakes and tedders will work behind the compact tractors. Wheel rakes, bar-rakes like a NH 256, even the smaller 3 point rotary rakes and tedders will work on compact tractors.
What we often see is the compact tractor owners use their own mowers, rakes and tedders and have their hay baled by custom operators. It is easy to get someone to come bale hay in the windrow. If you ask a custom operator or neighbor to put up you hay, the total process, you have asked them for a 3-4 day commitment. If you can mow & rake the hay yourself then you just are asking someone to invest the time required to bale the hay. Just remember everyone is in hay production at the same time because of the weather and people with hay equipment purchased it to usually to use first on their own hay production.