The lovely Mrs_B wants a hardwood floor in the dining room to replace the carpet. I'm not sure that I want to tackle the project, but Dargo did it and he survived. So maybe I can too?
I picked this up on Ebay, its a Chinese made tool, but it was cheap. They sell for roughly $130 to $180 depending on how good of a bidder you are
The local rental place rents them for $60 per day, $120 per week.
I'm helping to install a fairly large floor to learn how to do the job right and to see if I want to do my floor. I figure I can make mistakes and they won't be in my house
When all the projects are over, I'll sell it again on ebay when I'm done and be money ahead when the whole thing is over. Not looking to make money on the tool, but multiple rentals of a tool locally would cost a heck of a lot more than buying this one. It looks like it should work for a couple of floors, which is all it needs to last. The project starts tomorrow.
I picked this up on Ebay, its a Chinese made tool, but it was cheap. They sell for roughly $130 to $180 depending on how good of a bidder you are

I'm helping to install a fairly large floor to learn how to do the job right and to see if I want to do my floor. I figure I can make mistakes and they won't be in my house