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Hard to find good farm help!


Gone But Not Forgotten
Dang kids these days want to go swimming before you can get them to work. Then after the hay is unloaded all they want to do is run around on the RTV. If she was not so cute I would fire her!:clap:Maybe Big Al needs some help making hay.


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Great pics Bill , She,s a cutie for sure & problly better help then most guys these days . That pool sure looks inviting sure beats the old muddy water in my wanna be pond . So did you get all the hay in ? :biggrin:
Still have one more load to haul up from the bottom field and about 18 acres to cut. Haybine is still broke waiting on John Deere for parts. hopefully this week it will be fixed. They are calling for showers almost all week so it will have to wait.
In that third pic, she holds that loader's joystick like she knows what she's doing! :brows:

In my next life, I wanna be a tractor seat. :biggrin:
Once upon a time, a long time ago and in a land far away, I wouldn't have minded making hay with that. She is a beauty. If she's yours, you need to keep her under lock and key. :yum::yum::yum::yum:
Well all the hay that is cut is baled and moved out of the fields. Will try next week for the rest. No Rain yet but this week is supposed to shower every day. We need some rain as it is getting dusty dry around here. The farm help goes back to NC tomorrow.