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Had a dream


Spock and Galvatron < one and the same
Had a dream last night,not sure what brought it on but it was followed up by me getting a unexpected email this morning...

My dream started with me getting a letter in the post from a man claiming he needed me to go to his office to clear up a matter that was long overdue...being curious i went to the office which was a office i knew from many years ago,the haulage company my father and myself worked for was run out of this office,i was asked to take a seat by a well dressed gentleman to which he passed me a piece of paper to which had a list of items,the first item on the list was a gold pocket watch to which the gentleman handed me small green silk bag,i knew instantly what it was as this was my Grandfathers pocket watch(my mothers father) and although i have not seen this in close to 30 years in my dream as i opened it and pulled it out by it's gold chain it was just as i remembered.

Then i was handed another piece of paper which had written on it "your brothers and sister would only sell it,i hope you find peace" to which my dream shifted and i was standing in a Forrest with the watch in my hand and a gentle breeze brushing through the tree's,it was damn peaceful,and i woke up.

So 6am i got up with my wife and we joked about it,wife went off to work and i sat down like i do with my morning coffee and checked my emails,i got a email from a unknown source just saying "Mum has some health issues and is getting frail maybe it is time for you to give her a visit" and there was a image attached,yup it was a picture of a frail old woman that i had to have a second look at as it was her,i have not spoken to her in 13 years but it looked like 50 years had bit her arse,she used to be this woman that was largely built with dyed hair and dressed like a head mistress but this just showed a grey haired woman sitting in a chair with a dressing gown wrapped around her skeletal frame.

So i went for a top up on coffee sat back down and looked at her once more,and that's when i see through the old frail lady and see the monster she was,this was the violent abusive scum that beat me as a child and should never and i mean never have ever been allowed to have children,this is the piece of crap that failed to insure i got a good education and as a result i left school at the age of 15 and got a job so i could support a secure future for myself,this poor excuse of a mother told me to my face it should have been me that died in a road accident and not my younger brother to which she loved and i was just a inconvenience,the abuse she caused was so bad i still have some yes faded but not forgotten physical scars.

I thank my father for the fact i am the man i am as he never raised his hand and always told me in his own way he loved me and in his final year working with him away from home on the roads he made clear his marriage was a product of the times,he died when i was 24 he was 52,as for her i owe her nothing.

I know forgiveness is a powerful gift and it brings peace but guess what i am at peace,i find peace in knowing i never dragged my kids and and abused them in the way i was.

As for the Gold pocket watch in the dream,i know it as a dark past,Granddad died when i was only a young child in the early 70's,he was relativity young and was a victim of WW2,came back a violent man and continued the war right to the day he died on the sofa at my parents house on a weekend visit,the watch became his during his darkest moments from means i would rather not share....i do not need that negative force in my home.

Now how weird was all that....i wont reply to the email and now i have it off my chest,funny how the mind works,even stranger how the dream and email came all within a few hours.
Update....roll on 6 months....

Never heard anymore until 2 day's ago....i will keep this brief.

Knock on door whilst i was just about to enjoy a juicy steak dinner ....Nephew informs me Mum is dying and starts waffling how i need to go with him right now to see her as she only as day's if not hours left on her death bed...he was laced with JD and drugs...i polity declined and asked him to go forth and multiply....steak dinner cold and appetite lost ....what a waste.

24 hours later (last night)tried again and cooked myself another steak dinner whilst the ladies fo the house had a pizza night...knock on door....

One of my Brothers this time...asked if i got the message i said yes ...asked if i was going to go see her i said no...he said my wishes would be respected and no other idiots including himself would bother me again...another cold steak in the bloody bin.

So if all goes to plan in a few day's time she will be stoking the fires in Hell and i will be a Orphan just in time for my 44th Birthday March 2nd and if anyone out there want's to adopt me (preferably someone wealthy) just feel free to add a CV to this thread with a list of what you have to offer.:yum::yum::yum:
I see that you feel the same way about your mother as I felt about my maternal grandmother. 4' 10" and the meanest women that ever lived. My father used to joke that she was the only person ever rejected by Hitler's Waffen SS and the Gestapo for excessive cruelty.

I could tell many a tale but they are best forgotten.
Sorry about the steak dinners. Beef ain't cheap. Neither is forgiveness. I have NO idea what you went through. You don't know what I went through either. For me, forgiveness was/is a blessing. They no longer have "free rent" in my head. Did what I was asked to do by the "Big Book" One thing I learned through the ordeal, forgiveness isn't just for those you grant it to and it also doesn't mean forgetting whatever happened.
Hope that things go better for you from this time forward!! THANK YOU for posting this up.

God bless,
We've all had our struggles in life with family. As they say, you can't pick your family. I can understand what you're going through. I am stumped for advice to give but I can say a prayer or two for you all

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No advice needed i am at peace in my mind, it was just good to write it down and share a little episode with a few friends.

Interestingly i have learned a few things the past few day's after doing a little poking around ....my Fathers side of the family never fail to entertain me...a few things i have found out...

1 cousin runs a nature reserve up in Scotland

Her sister is what was described to me as a high profile prostitute and has amassed a tidy fortune :doh:

Their Father Uncle Tony is a old school London career criminal/Alcoholic and ....hahahaha i can't say...i wish i could but lets just say he had a nice ride on a train and the intended victim was on holiday in Spain...his wife took away the gun...he still say's the intended victim owes him the train fare for the wasted journey:yum::yum::yum:

Cousin Gabrielle come up trumps back in 2005....i never knew this until a few days ago....a nice girl and good luck to her.... here is a link to her story... http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-1595648/The-15m-Lottery-winners.html

I may dig around some more and write a book:biggrin:
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Well it's he end of the road on all this, my brother turned up again yesterday and informed me she died on 29th February,i made it to my Birthday as a Orphan as planned....funeral is 23rd of this month i have no need to attend.

Odd thing is there is something from all this that has made me more so at peace than i thought i was and that is what my brother gave me, i have waited 20 years to have these,to the outside world they have no value but to me they are priceless,my Father in his haulage driving career was awarded some safe driving awards(it's a scheme that still exists to which the Queen is patron) ,i was promised i could have these 20 years ago when he passed away and the promise was broken,my Brother and trust me there is no love lost between us done a final gesture of goodwill and handed them over to me along with 3 of my Fathers HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicles) licenses dating from 1976-1988....i must have been grateful i made my brother a cup of tea, i shall make a case for these and take care of them, father was always proud to have a life long history of safe driving,he took it seriously,as do i,i was also given a photo of my Father this is the only one i have.

And to top it off i was handed my Grandfathers Gold pocket watch as the dream suggested i would (read my first post in this thread)...i have no memories of him as i was only a toddler when he died but my brother being around 13 years of age at the time has strong memories of him so i made my brother keep it, my brother is a arsehole but i know he will treasure the watch so it is in the correct hands,but i did take a photo of the watch just for keeps sake as i am sure i will never see it again.

Finally after 20 years i have a piece of my father...it's a nice feeling.


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I'm happy you have the rememberences of your Father and Grandfather.

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