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Guy fawkes night


The Eccentric Englishman
SUPER Site Supporter
So do you guys do that in the US?
Its tomorrow, bonfires, fireworks :1062: and most of all, its gunna rain!! :D

Just wondering :confused: I know its a UK thing, just didnt know if it had spread


The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
I was in the UK during Guy Fawkes night. We were on the train coming back from Edinburgh. I'm ashamed of myself for not remembering what it's about. I guess the closest we have is 4th of the July. That's when the Colonists declared independence from England. Guy Fawkes night is something like that I think?:confused:

One day I'll never forget was Remembrance Day. We were in Gatwick airport coming back to the States, when the announcer came out and said that in 1 minute, there woiuld be a moment of silence. I didn't think anyone paid any attention. Then I think a bell was rung. Everybody and everything went completly still. It actually raised goosebumps on me. It was quite a moment. After it was over, I asked Jan if she could imagine that happening in Detroit, neither one us thought that would/could ever happen. Too many over here just don't care about their past or future. I really applaud the Brits for there sense of living history.:a1: :a1:


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Sounds like 4th of July here. Big celebations, lots of fireworks late into the night. Parties, bonfires, etc.

But wait, that is when we celebrate throwing off the shackles of the royal family and clamping our own homegrown shackles on.


The Eccentric Englishman
SUPER Site Supporter
John, its about some guy, by the name of Guy Fawkes, who tried to keill the king when he attended parliament think it was James something) buy stacking a load of gunpowder in the cellar and blowing it up. He was caught before it happened and the King was saved. So now ever year for some unknown reason we have a big fire with some bloke tossed on the top and he burns. Usuallt the bloke on the top isnt real, but who knows what really happens on the night. Dunno whay, but we generally have a load of fireworks too, thats cool, just gotta know the right people and you can see some really awesome displays for free :D

Rememberance day, what you say is true, it really does go silent and is repected by nearly all. There is a parade through town, though personally I go up to the village and ring the bells in the church. Its only a muinute afterall, not long considering the purpose

Bob, I dont think the idea is generally to have a piss up on bonfire night, though it is a good excuse ;)


Super Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
Mith said:
So do you guys do that in the US?
Its tomorrow, bonfires, fireworks :1062:

Just wondering :confused: I know its a UK thing, just didnt know if it had spread
Ahhh, Mith. Throw in a case of beer and in my neighborhood, we call that Saturday night.


Gone Flyin'

Guy Fawkes was burned at the stake for his "crimes" thats why the fake (I hope!) body is thrown on the fire.

As a side note "Fawkes" is a charactor in the Harry Potter books. He is a pheonix, who of course, bursts into flames and is re-born from the ashes every so often.
:a1: :17875: :a1: