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Guess what I have Bob.....


Klaatu barada nikto
SUPER Site Supporter
Hey Bob...guess what I have sitting in front of me?

Three dozen fresh homemade Rosky (apricot filled), and a big pot of black coffee.

I am sooooo gonna enjoy this evening! :applause::applause:


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Dave, you are a lucky man.

The worst thing about marrying an American borh Scottish/Frenchwoman is that the lovely Mrs_B has no clue how to cook the Slavic/Polish foods I grew up on. We made Perogi from scratch once and she cried because of the way they look, when I told her that was how they were supposed to look she asked why we ate them!?!

I'm not saying she is not a good cook, in fact she makes some really great food. The other night we had some chicken. My daughter called it "Double Barf Chicken" but I really liked it. Must be my eastern European heritage?


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Mrs. Zoom's family is 100% Polish.

WOW, the food I eat when my MIL comes to town. She spends at least 4 hours/day in the kitchen.

Mrs. Zoom is visiting her family (including all the Aunts) and the other night she said "I can't believe it... All they talk about is food".

Dave, can you fax me one (or more)? If only one, that's OK since I have a copier.


Klaatu barada nikto
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B_Skurka said:
I'm not saying she is not a good cook, in fact she makes some really great food. The other night we had some chicken. My daughter called it "Double Barf Chicken" but I really liked it. Must be my eastern European heritage?

Have your wife and daughter ever had bryndzové halušky? I had it for the first time a couple months ago, and all I can say is WOW! That is a meal that really goes a long way, and really stays with you. I really liked it too. :D


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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I'm a big fan of cabbage, noodles, dumplings, etc. Can't get the family to join in on many of the foods I eat. Have you had any Kizka yet? Its my favorite sausage. The one food that I've gotten my family to embrace is bread. Any good Slovak will eat bread with just about anything, and that is the only thing I think they both enjoy as much as I do. Perogi is pretty common at our dinners, but mostly with my daughter.


Klaatu barada nikto
SUPER Site Supporter
B_Skurka said:
Have you had any Kizka yet? Its my favorite sausage.

Nope. :puke1: I draw the line at blood sausages.

B_Skurka said:
Any good Slovak will eat bread with just about anything, and that is the only thing I think they both enjoy as much as I do. Perogi is pretty common at our dinners, but mostly with my daughter.

That must be an Irish and German thing too, because the bread basket is the first thing I attack at a restaurant. Hot bread with melted butter....mmmmm.

I said BUTTER, not that margarine crap! :pat:


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Blood sausage is, perhaps, pushing the limit, but I do like it. I prefer Kizka to Hurka. Now if you want something that tastes bad, try a bowl full of Czarnia (duck blood soup). You take water, duck blood, prunes, spices, apple and cream and mix it up. Toss in some noodles for good measure.

Some people add vinegar. That makes it extra yummy.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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I don't. Damn, now that you mention it, it would be good at midnight. I do have some Apricot brandy. But not the 'good' stuff.


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B_Skurka said:
Blood sausage is, perhaps, pushing the limit, but I do like it.
Is it as good as "Blood pudding"? A Norweigien (sic) dish that doesn't even include the meat to make it into sausage...


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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bczoom said:
Is it as good as "Blood pudding"? A Norweigien (sic) dish that doesn't even include the meat to make it into sausage...
Brian, I honestly didn't know what that was so I looked it up on the internet. It looks like the same stuff.

DaveNay said:
Hey Bob...guess what I have sitting in front of me?
Well you may have had Rosky yesterday, but I've got goose heart, neck and gizzards today, all boiled in garlic/salt water. It doesn't get much better than this! :thumb: