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Google must have done a purge


Super Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Up until a couple weeks (or so) ago, if I did a search against something like one of our names (bczoom, Bob_Skurka) it came up with a hit for darn near everything we've ever posted.

Now, it's about 1/4.

I guess they had to get rid of some stuff.

Dargo and Junkman still get over 150K hits but they seem to be common names.


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
I had not tried that. Good idea BC.
Ya know how we often call TBN KBN or anything but TBN. For google we probably should mention TBN as often as needed. Then folks searching for tractor stuff on TBN will get a hit hear also. Could help us build our tractor expertise with more questions along that line.

I can see Junkman as a common name, but not Dargo. Dargo must be pretty darn popular! :D