Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
The office network got assaulted recently by some trojans that made it through our Trend Micro anti virus software (which sux large). Malwarebytes didn't find the little bastards either, so I tried Windows Defender Offline. Great software, and free too!
It works so well because you boot your computer directly from the software (you can download it to burn a cd\dvd or just put it on a flash drive and boot from that). The virus doesn't have a chance to load at startup so it easily falls prey to the scan and wipe.
I recommend the flash drive option, since you should use an updated version of the file to get the latest virus definitions (which change at least weekly).
Anyone else use this program?
It works so well because you boot your computer directly from the software (you can download it to burn a cd\dvd or just put it on a flash drive and boot from that). The virus doesn't have a chance to load at startup so it easily falls prey to the scan and wipe.
I recommend the flash drive option, since you should use an updated version of the file to get the latest virus definitions (which change at least weekly).
Anyone else use this program?