Wow, John, I better distance myself from you, dont want you hurting yourself too much!
I think its because you guys have them funny plug sockets, all you need is the proper UK style ones, then no problems
If I know the look of burns I'd say that sucker will be hurting like a bitch soon
Are GFIs some sort of circuit breaker? Do you guys have live, neutral and earth? Or just 2 pins? And while we are on the subject of electricity, whats the deal with 110V and 220V with you guys, seems you have 2 diff circuits, 110 inside and 220 outside in your shop? Sorry, just seems a little confusing. Actually, while I'm on it, what is a stick built house? Is it one where you bang posts into the ground and build it off that outta wood? Round here the only way pretty much is to lay conrete foundations (nearly 6 foot deep) and brick build up, seems like you guys dont do it like that much from what I have seen of people building their own houses?
A freind should be phoning some time this week to fit some breakers in my shed to be on the safe side, so far only once does an electrical mishap stick out in my mind, when I managed to connect myself in a 230V circit with a wet pump standing in a puddle of water, sure makes your arms feel a bit tingly dont it!
I hope a beer is all that is needed to cure the problem! Well maybe a new cord too
PS, sorry for all the questions