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Get ready for Electric Rates to SKYROCKET


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
People should take politicians seriously when they say their policies will increase energy prices. . . :whistling:

Full story at link => http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...es-in-electricity-bills-to-fund-upgrades.html
Electric Bills About To Spike

. . . During the budget battle, Congress cut $500 million from the program to bring this year’s total to $4.7 billion, down from a high of $5.1 billion in 2010. For next year, the Obama administration requested only $2.6 billion, leaving states with roughly half the assistance they’ve had in the past. The White House rationale relies on the assumption that energy prices will decline, but regulatory filings have indicated the opposite trend is in store.

In the latest round of budget negotiations, House Republicans have suggested adding $822 million on top of Obama’s request for next year, but the gap could still result in rationing.

Already this summer, Illinois cut back on its energy-assistance grants, forcing seniors and poor families to forego air conditioning during the sizzling August heat. And governors of cold-weather states such as Michigan’s Rick Synder and Maine’s Paul LePage—both Republicans—are fighting the drop in funding, warning that people could freeze. Northeastern Democrats are equally concerned by the president’s proposed cuts. . .
AEP- budget billing set up- $78 and change per month, or so they've offered recently.
Ha.. we'll see.
As the coal plants are phased out prices will go out of sight. Our energy policy is ignoring our most abundant resource(coal) in favor of "green" unproven technology that is unable to produce the amount of electric needed. As they convert to natural gas heating costs will rise for folks who use it so it is a double whammy.
As the coal plants are phased out prices will go out of sight. . .
Coal is being phased out because Obama's EPA mandates scrubbers that are so expensive its actually cheaper to shut down the plant and leave it abandoned. Coal plants have been cleaned up dramatically and air quality has dramatically improved, but nothing satisfies Obama's EPA.

Nuclear plants can't get permits because of lawsuits from the environmental groups, yet nuclear generating plants are some of the most efficient in the world.

Hydroelectric is cheap, but requires building a damn, not feasible in most parts of the US.

That leaves us with WIND, SOLAR, and OIL. Wind generators cost TWICE as much to generate electricity when operated on land. FOUR TIMES as much when operated at sea. Quick way to see your electric rates double is to switch to WIND power and that still pay to fix the infrastructure issues. SOLAR is TWICE as expensive as WIND. And anyone want to bet our energy future on OIL fired plants?
If you can't the price of your chosen energy source to be competitive by bringing the cost down, the only way to equalize is to bring the cost of cheap energy up to compete.

We have enough energy sources in this country to provide our needs for generations, and we can do it cleanly and cheaply. Instead of forcing alternative on the public, let the market determine the price.

Talking about redistribution of wealth, has anybody besides me figured out that taxing abundant fossil fuels and sending the money to alternative fuels is just more of the same?
As we sit around on all types of forums and complain about it. This phuker did what he said he would do - fundamentally change America. It will never be what it was. We are all a bunch of pansies. I don;t care which conservative gets into office. Until all Republicans are in fact conservatives, and all three branches of govt are at least 70% conservative, we will continue to head toward communism and /or socialism. Not only will my kid and grandkids have to pay for all of this crap, they will have to live in it.