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Garmin 'Messenger' 2 way satellite communicator review thread


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
I'd love to hear some first hand reviews from owners, but for now, here is the new Garmin Messenger. And honestly, if I do decide, at some point in the future, to change away from my SPOT X, the current front runner for replacement would be the Garmin Messenger.

The Garmin InReach Mini2 is compelling but the Messenger has DOUBLE the battery life + it also connects to both CELLULAR and WIFI whenever those are available which saves on satellite fees. I find both of those very compelling. I'm not particularly interested in the navigation features of the tiny InReach Mini2.

Gear Junkie has an in depth review of the Messenger:

FULL REVIEW at the Link Above at Gear Junkie ^^^

Garmin inReach Head-to-Head Test: Move Over Mini 2, the Messenger Is in Town

Nick BelcasterJun 20, 2023 4:01 p.m. ET
Handheld Garmin inReach Devices
The inReach has long been Garmin’s de-facto line of satellite communication devices. So, when Garmin rolled out the second generation of the inReach Mini, long-time users were excited. The inReach Mini 2 was juiced up with nearly everything on the wishlist: Support for four additional global satellite systems, a new higher-fidelity screen with a quicker refresh rate, and a longer battery life with USB-C charging, to name a few.
But Garmin wasn’t about to stop its inReach innovations there.
The inReach Messenger hit the scene this year, and it did so with a splash. Not so much because the inReach Messenger was built on the devices before it, but because the inReach Messenger is so vastly different from previous iterations. The square black form factor was one obvious diversion from the original design. However, Garmin also changed the way its new device sends and receives messages by adding cell service and Wi-Fi to the mix.
Both devices have the big red button to call in the cavalry if you need help. But most often, you’ll probably be using them to check in with friends and family members, to chat about post-hike dinner plans, or the particular voraciousness of the mosquitos at your camp last night.
As a long-time user of the inReach Mini series, my interest was piqued by the Garmin inReach Messenger. But the question stuck around — Who is this thing for?
In short: After numerous tromps in the hills recently testing both the inReach Min2 and the newer Messenger head-to-head, I’ve come to understand the niche that Garmin has carved out for the Messenger. This is the average person’s satellite messenger device. The Messenger makes messaging easier, it has a longer battery life and a better antenna, and it’s cheaper than other inReach devices. And because it taps into Wi-Fi and cell service when it can, users save those allotted satellite messages for when they really need them.

Garmin inReach Head-to-Head Test: Move Over Mini 2, the Messenger Is in Town

Garmin inReach Messenger Review

The Garmin inReach Mini 2 and Messenger Devices Sit on the Tailgate of a Truck Both the Garmin inReach Mini 2 and Messenger are premium satellite messengers, but executed in slightly different ways; (photo/Nick Belcaster)
While both the Garmin inReach Mini 2 and Messenger provide some very similar satellite messenger functionality, the route they take to get there provides for two very different-looking pieces of kit.
The Messenger is hockey puck-esque. It could easily double as a killer skipping stone. The front sports a small display of the same caliber as the Mini 2. It has a high pixel count and crisp refresh rate that keeps things moving promptly as you roam through the menus.
The Messenger’s display offers access to the messages, tracking, weather, TracBack, and settings. You can scroll through them using the three buttons below the screen. The menu setup is nigh identical to that of the Mini 2, making navigation easy for those already familiar with the ecosystem.
Garmin inReach Messenger Front While the screen may be small, the fidelity is good and makes good use of auto-scrolling to keep information moving; (photo/Nick Belcaster)

Messaging and Navigation

When it comes to messages, you’ve always got the failsafe option of clacking out a message on the device itself. That’s made moderately easier by a Quick Text feature, offering a slate of different prewritten messages to fire off quickly.
For lengthier missives, however, jumping over to the app is the way to go. Typing on a phone screen is far easier. (More on this later.)
So far as navigation goes, this is one area where the Garmin inReach Mini 2 and the Messenger differ significantly — and where the Mini 2 might have an edge over the newer model. The inReach Mini 2 has the ability to store waypoints, routes, and previously tracked routes on the device. The Messenger is a bit limited, by comparison. It only features the ability to track your route and enable TracBack routing, a feature that will point you back to your starting point.
The fact that the inReach Messenger won’t work with the Garmin Explore app also means that you won’t have access to the expanded mapping functionalities of that app. Though, it will send a link to your contacts with your Garmin MapShare account. That online map displays your location in (close-to) real time. For many users, that, in conjunction with sending the occasional “still alive” message, will be enough.
Garmin inReach Navigation Screens The on-device navigation features on the Mini 2 are fairly robust compared to the TracBack abilities of the Messenger; (photo/Nick Belcaster)

Better Satellite Connection

The antenna design on the inReach Messenger is also notably different from the helical antennas that project from other Garmin inReach-capable devices (including the GPSMAP, Montana, and Tread series). The inReach Messenger is a patch antenna. Without getting too far into the radio-nerd weeds, these antennas typically have higher gain, meaning they transmit more power to the receiving satellite.
In the field, I found the initial linkup with positioning to be quicker with the inReach Messenger. It also fired off messages faster than the Mini 2.
Because of its design, the Messenger will perform best facing upward. But in a rather bewilderingly un-Garmin move, there are currently no mounting solutions offered for the device. So, carrying the Messenger in the brain of your backpack is the easiest way to go. The device will operate equally well placed on the dash of your rig, but it may slide around.
The Garmin inReach Messenger Sits on the Dash of a Truck A rubberized base ensures the Messenger stays put, and in the proper orientation for the antenna; (photo/Nick Belcaster)

SOS Functionality

On the side of the device, the On/Off button is flanked by the SOS button. That important feature is protected by a rubberized flap to prevent accidental triggering.
Activating an SOS elevates your message in the Iridium satellite network to give it a priority. It’s sent to the Garmin Response Center; there, coordinators respond 24/7 to get emergency teams moving toward you.
During my time with the inReach Messenger, I gave in to the urge to test out the SOS functionality. I did so with a scheduled SOS test, so as not to actually call in rescuers. It had a lightning-fast response time, with the Response Center communicating directly with me on the app. I could easily and quickly relay important information related to any rescue that I might need.
Garmin Messenger SOS I experienced a sub-60-second response time when testing the SOS functionality of the Messenger; (photo/Nick Belcaster)

Double the Battery and Reverse Charging

The final selling point of the inReach Messenger over the Mini 2 lies its battery power. The Messenger has twice as much battery power, equating to 28 days of active use versus the 14 days offered by the Mini 2.
That extended battery life also allows for reverse charging, meaning you can top off any device in need using your inReach Messenger as an external battery charger. At first, this seemed alarming to me — your SOS device should be the last thing you want to pilfer power from. But when you understand the navigation abilities that the Messenger forgoes, it makes sense why you would want to be able to juice your phone and access the app.
Garmin inReach Applications The new Garmin Messenger application changes the game for inReach devices, and not only for the Messenger; (photo/Nick Belcaster)

There’s a New (Better) App for That

Arguably the biggest news when it comes to the Messenger device is its accompanying app (unsurprisingly, also named Messenger).
Garmin seems to have a particular penchant for cycling through applications. But the company has really made the grade here. And, incredibly, the GPS giant has gone with backward compatibility. So, the app is available to not only the inReach Messenger but also the Mini 2, as well as the GPSMAP and Montana series of devices.
The app picks up where the previous Garmin Explore app left off. It reduces the carpal tunnel-inducing typing necessary to scratch out a message on the device itself. You simply type your message directly onto your phone screen. Those messages are then shuttled to the device via Bluetooth, and the inReach Messenger fires them off skyward.
Garmin Messenger Sending Messages Simple as texting — firing off messages with the Messenger app greatly simplifies backcountry comms; (photo/Nick Belcaster)

Test Messaging

The big difference with inReach Messenger, however, is that in addition to using satellites to move your messages, it will also use cell signals or Wi-Fi when available.
That means users can fire off messages often faster, and cheaper than using the allotted messages that come with your subscription — unless you’ve sprung for the unlimited Expedition level plan, which offers unlimited messages.
The app itself is responsible for this message meshing. There’s no cell service or Wi-Fi chip on board in the inReach Messenger.
During my recent forays into the hills above town, I sought to stress-test the messaging ability of the inReach Messenger against my experiences with the Mini 2. I found it to be a more streamlined process. Previously, I would have to fire off a quick text message to my partner en route to the trailhead. Then, I’d pivot to the sat comm device for the rest of the hike. The Messenger app, however, allows for a more seamless experience.
Sending messages through the app is simple. Contacts are pulled from both the device and the contacts already in your phone. These messages can also be sent to email accounts and used to post on Facebook or Twitter. Once a message has been sent, folks can respond to you, with messages appearing on both the inReach Messenger device and your phone.
The Mini 2 can also now utilize the Messenger app. There is one caveat: cycling between the Garmin Explore and Messenger apps is clunky with the Mini, requiring frequent signing in and out to get the devices happy with one another.
It’s tough to call either device the winner here. Instead, we’ll call the user the winner. The Messenger app is a great step forward for inReach-capable devices, and this tide lifts all ships.
Garmin inReach Devices Side by Side (Photo/Nick Belcaster)

Who Is the Garmin inReach Messenger For?

For one, thru-hikers will benefit immensely from this device’s technology. It’s easy to imagine carrying conversations between trail towns and cell service, and deep into the backcountry. This would also cut down on burning through those precious subscription messages.
Second, anyone who saddles up in their rig for some overlanding is bound to see the utility in sending messages as they pass in and out of cell service. Obviously, you’ll need to fashion some type of dash-securing solution on your own, but the device does well enough clinging on for most trails. I’d imagine we’ll see a bevy of mounting solutions offered for the Garmin inReach Messenger shortly.
Garmin Messenger USB-C Charging The ability to be operated while it receives a charge will be popular with overlanders looking for a more permanent install; (photo/Nick Belcaster)
Guides (really, of any flavor) who need to report back to command after a day in the field will also benefit from the message-meshing abilities of the inReach Messenger. Fieldwork often passes between the front and the backcountry. The group messaging functionality will also find frequent use with this crowd, who often split groups up and need to coordinate later plans.
Finally, anyone who uses a phone will find the inReach Messenger useful. With phone navigation apps like Gaia, Caltopo, and Avenza muscling in on the standalone GPSmarket, it’s easy to see the need for on-device navigation abilities in satellite messengers going to the wayside — or, at least to the back drawer when it comes to doling out memory space.

Garmin inReach Messenger: The Final Word

Garmin inReach Messenger Device The Garmin Messenger and a good phone navigation app will get you far; (photo/Nick Belcaster)
If you’re one who likes to have backups to your backups, then the inReach Mini 2 is probably a better device for you. The baked-in navigation abilities are only heightened by the accompanying Explore app, but can make it all on their own if push comes to shove.
Fourteen hours of “On” time is also generally going to be enough for most people, especially for those who bring some type of battery bank along on their outdoor adventures.
But for most folks, most of the time, the Garmin inReach Messenger just makes things easier. Your trade-off for the nav tools is an extended burn time, a slightly better antenna, and $100 still nestled in your wallet. And with the new Messenger app, communication is as easy as texting directly from your phone. If things turn ugly and you do need to hit that SOS button, simplicity is your best friend.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Review from Outdoor GearLab is another great read. They choose the Messenger as their #1 choice.

I do have an issue with their criticism of the coverage of the Globalstar devices. Those devices clearly state they don't cover the middle of the ocean, the arctic/antarctic regions and a few other spots. So to derate them 10 to 2 seems pretty extreme. But overall, Outdoor Gear Lab does a great job with their reviews and I tend to trust them.

^^^ FULL REVIEW at the link at Outdoor Gear Lab ^^^

Garmin inReach Messenger Review

For how most people actually use their satellite communicators, this is the best product on the market

Yes, you can type and view text messages on the tiny Messenger screen. It is tedious, but it is better than nothing, should your app fail for whatever reason.​
Credit: Jediah Porter​

The inReach Messenger is the latest in a long line of satellite communicators from Garmin. It offers iterative improvements in some ways and a couple of small steps back (no navigation, smaller screen, half an ounce heavier). As compared to the closest competitor, the Messenger has longer battery life and a larger antenna. In our scoring system, it tied for the top place with the inReach Mini 2. Overall, the Messenger is better, but the difference really is too small to show up on our scoring rubric.

Performance Comparison

Serious environments require serious considerations of your equipment. The inReach Messenger is the best device for human-powered, remote communication.​
Credit: Jediah Porter​

" data-reader-unique-id="10" style="color: rgb(65, 110, 210); max-width: 100%;"> garmin inreach messenger personal locator beacon review - serious environments require serious considerations of your...

Serious environments require serious considerations of your equipment. The inReach Messenger is the best device for human-powered, remote communication.
Credit: Jediah Porter

SOS/Emergency Messaging

The Garmin Messenger features emergency messaging that is fast becoming "industry standard." It works like this: when something dire happens to you, somewhere without cell signal, you activate the SOS mode. This can be done through the app on your phone or with a button on the device itself. That SOS message, digitally and automatically packaged with identification and location information, goes to the 24-hour staff at "Garmin Response Team." That team has deep and comprehensive informational resources. They cross-reference your location with their database of SAR resources and work to mobilize the closest and most effective local response.
Local response to your emergency will depend on many, many factors, and virtually all of them are out of Garmin's control. Local response will depend on geopolitical matters, SAR team triage, weather, time of day, and a host of other logistical matters. By far, the most "standard" part of emergency response now is the communication part. Thanks to the two-way texting functionality of the inReach Messenger, you can provide further details on your situation and potentially receive updates on the status of the SAR response.
10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 4.0 4.0 3.0
In an emergency, the inReach Messenger works very much like all the options on the market. We can't emphasize enough that the biggest determinant of the outcome of your emergency will depend on local resources and conditions. Using your inReach to activate a response to an injury sustained in a vehicle accident down a dirt road just beyond signal might yield a response in minutes or hours. The same injury resulting from a mountaineering fall in a storm in trail-less mountains in a developing nation might require days to weeks to yield a response. In both cases, the satellite communication portion would take just minutes.

Non-Emergency Messaging

With the inReach Messenger and associated app, you can send and receive text messages (with seamless threads across satellite, cellular, and WiFi), conduct passive web-linked tracking, and collect basic weather forecasts. This is as much non-emergency messaging as any product on the market will do. The inReach Messenger does it all through an app or, with a greater fiddle factor on the device itself.
10.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 6.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0
Without adding data or voice functionality (both of which require significantly more bandwidth and therefore greater expense and battery/antenna power), it is hard to imagine vast improvements to non-emergency messaging on the inReach Messenger. We are ready to be surprised with additional functionality. We have been pressing for years for what we'd call a full-function satellite messenger feature set. Only now, with the*inReach Messenger (and subsequent software upgrades to other current devices), has Garmin delivered what we've been asking for. To be clear, we now consider full-function non-emergency messaging to include, on both the device and via an app, seamless two-way messaging, tracking, and weather forecasts.
There are now two apps in the Garmin inReach ecosystem. Explore does messaging and navigation. Messenger does just texting, but allows one to do so across satellite, wifi, and cellular.​
Credit: Jediah Porter​

" data-reader-unique-id="325" style="color: rgb(65, 110, 210); max-width: 100%;"> garmin inreach messenger personal locator beacon review - there are now two apps in the garmin inreach ecosystem. explore does...

There are now two apps in the Garmin inReach ecosystem. Explore does messaging and navigation. Messenger does just texting, but allows one to do so across satellite, wifi, and cellular.
Credit: Jediah Porter

Signal Coverage

The Iridium network employed by the inReach Messenger covers the entire world and does so in a reliable fashion. We've used exactly this same network for decades on other devices, and we have a great deal of confidence in the network.
9.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
No satellite communication network is perfect, however. All satellite communications are subject to interference from terrain, buildings, and foliage. Inside, in a dense forest, and on or near steep terrain, satellite communications will be slower and/or impossible. This is inevitable with current technology and infrastructure.
The inReach Messenger in action and facilitating amazing early season Teton Powder skiing. This is why we do it.​
Credit: Jediah Porter​

" data-reader-unique-id="485" style="color: rgb(65, 110, 210); max-width: 100%;"> garmin inreach messenger personal locator beacon review - the inreach messenger in action and facilitating amazing early...

The inReach Messenger in action and facilitating amazing early season Teton Powder skiing. This is why we do it.
Credit: Jediah Porter

Ease of Use

Garmin is a large, older technology company. They've proceeded along a rocky road of user interfaces and ease. Nimble start-ups have pushed the business forward, forcing Garmin to adjust. This technology is complex, and use will be inherently tricky. That said, Garmin does a better and better job of smoothing out their devices' setup and service. Configuring and using the inReach Messenger is easy enough, especially if your expectations are in line.
9.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.0 1.0
To get set up and use your inReach Messenger, you will need to configure and pay attention to subscriptions, signal limitations, battery power, and expectations. Allow yourself (and those you are communicating with) a learning curve; this isn't like the text messaging we are accustomed to.
Expect to do some set up and configuration of your device and phone prior to using your inReach Messenger.​
Credit: Jediah Porter​

" data-reader-unique-id="646" style="color: rgb(65, 110, 210); max-width: 100%;"> garmin inreach messenger personal locator beacon review - expect to do some set up and configuration of your device and phone...

Expect to do some set up and configuration of your device and phone prior to using your inReach Messenger.
Credit: Jediah Porter


The inReach Messenger weighs 4.0 ounces and measures 3.1 x 2.5 x .9 inches. It is the first new satellite messenger in a few years that isn't smaller than previous versions. It isn't a ton bigger or heavier than other close competitors, but the plateauing of miniaturization suggests that we won't see great improvements in portability for a while.
9.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 1.0
For the few grams and tiny bit of additional bulk, you get a bigger battery and bigger antenna. Also, as compared to the closest competitors, the inReach Messenger is a simpler, smoother shape — a rectangle with no protrusions or dangles.
The inReach Messenger is heavier than its closest sibling, but remains super small and portable.​
Credit: Jediah Porter​

" data-reader-unique-id="807" style="color: rgb(65, 110, 210); max-width: 100%;"> garmin inreach messenger personal locator beacon review - the inreach messenger is heavier than its closest sibling, but...

The inReach Messenger is heavier than its closest sibling, but remains super small and portable.
Credit: Jediah Porter
Some will lament that there isn't an obvious, pre-rigged way to attach the Messengerto the outside of your backpack. We don't lament that. We have tested these devices both inside and outside our packs — as long as it is near the top of your pack, every satellite communicator works well enough inside, and we don't like the vulnerability of a dangling emergency device. If you sense that your signal is really poor, you can get the device out for a better view of the sky for a brief message check and/or send. Otherwise, keep safety equipment secured inside your bag. If you absolutely insist on dangling your satellite messenger, there is a place to string a lanyard.
inReach Messenger set up and configuration. We tested very early in the retail availability of the Messenger. Presumably that explains the multiple software updates we had to coordinate.​
Credit: Jediah Porter​

" data-reader-unique-id="818" style="color: rgb(65, 110, 210); max-width: 100%;"> garmin inreach messenger personal locator beacon review - inreach messenger set up and configuration. we tested very early in...

inReach Messenger set up and configuration. We tested very early in the retail availability of the Messenger. Presumably that explains the multiple software updates we had to coordinate.
Credit: Jediah Porter

Should You Buy the Garmin inReach Messenger?

Yes. This is the best option on the market currently. That said, there are some other fine options (most using the exact same satellite network, for instance) that are very, very similar.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
For those who prefer videos. Videos by "Hiking Guy" are not paid promotions. He actually uses his own money to buy devices, then he gives reviews of those items. I consider him a very trusted source.
