A teacher is teaching a sixth grade class. One of the students in the class is a boy named Fuji who had just come to the United States from Japan only a few months earlier. The teacher turns to the class and says, "Today's lesson will be famous American quotes. I'm going to write a quote on the board and I want you to raise your hand and tell me who said it and the year they said it." She writes on the board, 'Give me liberty or give me death.' Looking over the class she sees no hands being raised until, slowly, Fuji raises his hand. "Fuji," she says. "Patrick Henry, 1776," he says. "That's correct Fuji," she says somewhat amazed, "Very good." She turns back to the board and writes: 'Walk softly and carry a big stick.' Again none of the students raises their hand until Fuji slowly raises his. "Fuji," she says, raising her eyebrows. "President Roosevelt, 1903." "That's right Fuji. That's absolutly correct. Now you American students should be ashamed of yourselves. Fuji has only been in this country a couple of months and already he knows more American history than you students who have been here all your lives. Shame on you. Very good Fuji!" She turns to write another quote on the board when, from the back of the class someone shouts, "F&%k the Japanese!" She spins around and says, "Who said that?" "Harry Truman, 1945" shouts Fuji