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Former fed regulator at Occupy LA on bank fraud


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Interesting speech given at the protest in LA, I haven't seen any media coverage about this. :whistling:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_AuvLTJNh0&feature=player_embedded"]Occupy LA Teach In William K Black - YouTube[/ame]

In a brilliant, passionate speech delivered this week to a teach-in held by Occupy LA, William K. Black concisely dissects the corruption at the heart of the nexus of finance and politics.
More than a thousand crooked banksters were prosecuted during the savings and loan collapses of the Reagan era during Black’s tenure as a federal banking regulaor. How many in this latest debacle? Zero, says Black, and until crooks and frauds are jailed, they’ll continue to rape the American people. Conniving with the plutocratic felons are members of the mainstream media, who obediently comply with the distorted linguistics of the rich.
Black, who now teaches at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, notes that bankers brought in a major league lobbyist to argue against new regulations during the Reagan era, a fellow named Alan Greenspan. His reward? After he accomplished his mission, Ayn Rand acolyte Greenspan was named to head the Federal Reserve.
“We can prosecute these frauds,” Black says. “But where is the justice department? Why is it not indicting these clear frauds?”
Black and UM-KC colleague Michael Hudson have emerged as two of the preeminent critics of the American financial system. They are voices we ignore at our own peril, and the peril of those who will come after us.

Big Dog

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GOLD Site Supporter
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm .. I wonder if GWB is saying I told you so and we all know Frank, Dodd, and Waters are saying no, no, no!