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Ford V-4 Parts for THIOKOL IMP ~ engine help needed


New member
I'm in need of a new balance shaft gear for a 1.7 liter ford V-4. Once I get the part I may be asking the question of setting the timing for the motor.
Re: Ford V-4 Parts

Is that the Ford Angelina engine?

Seems like many of the snowcats that have Ford engines in them use the industrial version of the Ford Angeline (English Ford) engine.
Re: Ford V-4 Parts

I don't know if it is the same motor as the Angelina. It is in a mid 70s Imp, serial number 663. This is my first experience working on a snow cat, just trying to help out a friend.
So Tim from Remote Access got me the gear and a gasket kit, I checked the balance shaft which seems good bearings turn readily and don't have any side to side slop. I found a service manual for the motor and now know how to time the balance shaft so I think I am good to go. Thanks to all for assistance, and anyone in need of assistance just ask.

I'll try and post photos next week hopefully of a running Imp.
So I have the motor torn down to the point were I can replace the Balance shaft gear, but I can't get the oil pan out to clean it up for the new gasket. Does anyone have any suggestions???

Here are some pics.


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Not sure on the older style Imps. But you can seperate the cab from the "tub". Then you could pull the motor out . You may also beable to pull the engine with the cab still on but not sure. I dont recall how big or small the engine is compared to the cab space. Keep us posted.
Got her running today, but broke a track bolt and the left steering system blew out all its fluid. So more work ahead.
Wow what bad luck.

I'm getting ready to put my Snow Trac to bed for the summer. I have some repairs to do. Headlights stopped working (may just be a fuse), a couple of the small bogies went flat, all minor stuff. I'd like to fix up the interior a bit more too. But those are summer repairs and projects, I have to get working on the garden soon.

Good luck with the repairs, keep us informed on your progress.
It is alive.

It drives and I got the track fixed and the steering is good enough for now. I will pull the bed this summer and replace the rubber break line with stainless.
It is alive.

It drives and I got the track fixed and the steering is good enough for now. I will pull the bed this summer and replace the rubber break line with stainless.
that thing might need a little tlc but it's a fine looking little imp
Here she is. along with the next project.


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OK well you need a really big truck to tow that trailer out of the snow.

So I got it running and it ran fine (ish) for for me, then the station attendant took it for a 11 mile trek. It runs a little rougher each time it is used I tried adjusting the carb (not my strong suit) and setting the timing, which on this beast is by ear. It still seems to be running really rich and if it is not warm forget about moving it as when a load is applied it dies. Does anyone have suggestions.
check valve adjustment its been over 20 years since i played with one of those little v-4's as oi remember it's a 2.8 with 2 cylinders lobbed off and i maintain a bv206 and i'nm always readjusting the valves valve erosion seems to be a bad problem in the bv206 because they are run so much harder than an automotive application.
I realize this is a old thread.... But I am the third owner of a full bodied imp. and I have a ticker in the valve train. I assume this is a warm it up and then do them one at a time rolling the motor over by hand type of job>?

My imp (sorry for the hijack) revs good and sounds like the saab sonnet I used to race against in auto X but just does not sound right. Idles a bit twitchy. and runs out ok but has a miss sound to it. each plug is contributing at idle. It does not have any info in the manual.
It is a Snow groomer Imp. Valley engineering blade up front and a main hut track setter out back.
