Just Plinkin Away the $$
Since I just installed the 7308 loader on my TC33, I no longer really need my little skidsteer. I bought this new & it has less than 40 hours on it. It has the 18hp 2 cyl gas engine (onan), comes with a 47'' bucket, pallet fork attachment, 5' snow blade attachment, & has the optional boom hyd kit for operating external attachments requiring hyd. (never used) Has front & rear work lights, & comes with a set of oil filters for the 50 hour service. Just the loader new without accessories & add ons is arount $10,500 or so now. I'll take $9000.00 cash for all of it. It will just fit in the bed of a 3/4 ton pick-up if you curl the bucket down. It's a fun little machine & would be great for cleaning box stalls. you can get narrower tires & a 36" bucket to make a tight clearance machine out of it. send me a pm if you have any interest..........Thanks.........Tom