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flooding in the Pacific North West


New member
Its really getting bad out here... The ground has had all it can handle. I live on top of a hill and there is standing water in places I did not know would hold water.



New member
You are not alone Alex. In fact, you are at the end of a long line. I moved from NY to New England in mid September. Coastal Maine in fact. These are usually the dryest months of the year for this area. By the time 4 Hurricanes and 3 tropical storms rolled through the eastern seaboard, it was mid november and I had a large 3.5 acre flooded pasture that was about to be fenced and cleared for our horses. Before it could drain/evaporate, the entire thing then froze. Drying out this spring, provided it's a normal spring, whatever the hell that is, will still take until early June methinks. I had to board up a riding arena so the horses had a place to romp this winter. The CEO is Peeeeeeeeiiiiiiiisssssed.

The old dam on the river in my back acres crested 7 times since September. Local knowlege has never seen it crest more than twice in any one year.

We now live in the age of extremes: heat, cold, precipitation, drought, and mostly extreme stupidity.



Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
DAP said:
We now live in the age of extremes: heat, cold, precipitation, drought, and mostly extreme stupidity.

You forgot to add TEEwurst to your list. :D

But I will certainly agree with you on the weather extremes. Summer was hot and bone dry. Late fall brought earlier than normal snow, and heavier than normal too. Winter rolled in and the temps have moderated, they are predicting 50 degrees for tomorrow in Chicago. Our snow is gone. We have been having rain, the ground is totally saturated. I drove in the field this morning to get to something at the shop and left some nice ruts, normally the ground would be frozen solid with a snow covering.


Master of Distraction
Staff member
SUPER Site Supporter
House on a hill in the NW - bad news. I learned that lesson with my first house. I had a large 30 foot square section of earth just slump down the hill about 10 feet. The weather was a lot like it is this year - non-stop rain.

I was lucky that it was at the opposite end of the property from the house, even though the house was still very close to the side it was not affected.

It took me a lot of work to get that mess cleaned up so I could sell the place.

I'll never buy a house on a hillside again. I hope your house is well anchored 'cause there isn't going to be a break in the weather until Sunday and that may just be one of those optimistic things they "say" to keep everyone from killing themselves.

At least it's a warm rain! ;)


New member
DAP said:
YWe now live in the age of extremes: heat, cold, precipitation, drought, and mostly extreme stupidity.


If this keeps up I am gonna start planting Palm trees as they will make it through the winters. It the middle of January and it is in the 50s.


Active member
Much of the day at work is now spent on calls involving flooded basements, downed trees into houses and power lines, and MV accidents due to hydroplaning and low visability. Non-stop rain for 24 days is one thing, having it rain so hard for those days is another.


Master of Distraction
Staff member
SUPER Site Supporter
BoneheadNW said:
Much of the day at work is now spent on calls involving flooded basements, downed trees into houses and power lines, and MV accidents due to hydroplaning and low visability. Non-stop rain for 24 days is one thing, having it rain so hard for those days is another.

Suicides should start spike soon if this keeps up! Aaargh!!! I think I need more caffeine and carbs to make up for the lack of sunshine.

I've started planting trees around my property as it's one of the few things to do in this weather. the dogs don't even want to go outside.:fart2:


New member
B_Skurka said:
You forgot to add TEEwurst to your list. :D


Clearly Bob .. you're effort to uncover the excentricities of Teewurst are falling short. Tis time for you to turn it up a notch. It's out there, you need it, you want it, damn, you DESERVE it even - well perhaps - so GO AND GET IT.

I KNOW you will become the ZEN master of Teewurst at that point and I a mere passing as the individual who lit the path.

By the end of Februrary or whenever the SnowTrac is both road and show worthy, I expect you to have a nice SnowTrac lunch box (the old metal type) filled with Teewurst finger sandwiches stowed quietly under that Teak bench seat, just to your right.

Break one out while your giving the neighbor a ride, offer one perhaps and let the discourse begin.

Tis your destiny. Sieze it, while there's still time.



Active member
DAP said:
Clearly Bob .. you're effort to uncover the excentricities of Teewurst are falling short. Tis time for you to turn it up a notch. It's out there, you need it, you want it, damn, you DESERVE it even - well perhaps - so GO AND GET IT.

I KNOW you will become the ZEN master of Teewurst at that point and I a mere passing as the individual who lit the path.

By the end of Februrary or whenever the SnowTrac is both road and show worthy, I expect you to have a nice SnowTrac lunch box (the old metal type) filled with Teewurst finger sandwiches stowed quietly under that Teak bench seat, just to your right.

Break one out while your giving the neighbor a ride, offer one perhaps and let the discourse begin.

Tis your destiny. Sieze it, while there's still time.

I hope for the neighbor's sake that the SnowTrac has good ventilation! :fart2:


New member
it has stopped raining here!!! I can't believe it.. I see blue sky and a mysterious bright glowing object is shining light down on my face. Steam is rising from the ground.

wonder how long before it goes back to raining again.. 10 minutes ago I was seeing frozen rain hit the window.