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Fixing my HDTV part deux


Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
Well, the LCD TV I fixed last year has developed an annoying high pitched whine\whistle. It's there when I first turn on the TV, will go away about a half hour later, then gradually return. If I mute the sound, no more noise. Any suggestions as to what I should be looking for when I take this thing apart?

Answers such as "a new TV" or "a TV repairman" are anticipated but not really what I'm looking for, so let's get THAT out of the way ....:whistling:
Well, the LCD TV I fixed last year has developed an annoying high pitched whinewhistle. It's there when I first turn on the TV, will go away about a half hour later, then gradually return. If I mute the sound, no more noise. Any suggestions as to what I should be looking for when I take this thing apart?

Answers such as "a new TV" or "a TV repairman" are anticipated but not really what I'm looking for, so let's get THAT out of the way ....:whistling:
Well then I recon suggesting keeping it muted wont be of much help then ? :biggrin:

I am not up on the new fangled stuff but it sounds like a speaker could be going bad or getting some interference from a bad resistor or capaciter, if they even have them in the new TV's. :unsure:
Try hooking it to an external speaker setup. That will eliminate the speakers. If it still does it check your audio input from whatever feeds it.
Try hooking it to an external speaker setup. That will eliminate the speakers. If it still does it check your audio input from whatever feeds it.

I was gonna try that, but the input is both from digital broadcast via antenna and cable TV (no decoder box). I have another TV set up the same way without the noise.
It may have a sound card in it that is overheating. Pull some covers and have a can of air to blow things out including the power supply.
It may have a sound card in it that is overheating. Pull some covers and have a can of air to blow things out including the power supply.

Yeah, I was thinking that, too. I'm gonna take the cover off to reveal the guts, plug it in, and see if I can tell where the noise is coming from ....

Any other comments\suggestions\hints from you FF electrical wizards are most certainly invited!:biggrin: