The man's wife insists that he take her deer hunting the next time he goes. He tries to tell her all the things she need to know; how to aim, how to track the deer, all the do's and don'ts of hunting.
When they get to the forest, he tells her, "Now sometimes you will shoot and some other hunter will claim the kill also. If this happens, just fire the rifle three times in the air and I will come help you!"
They part and go separate ways tracking the deer. After a few hours, the husband hears a shot, and then three more shots. He thinks, "Oh great, we have a dispute already." He runs toward the shots and comes upon his wife and another man standing in the forest.
The wife begins, "Dear, this man is claiming my kill. Do something about it!"
The other man explains, "Look, I don't want any trouble. Just tell her all I want is my saddle back!"