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First Flu Case of the Season........


Extra Super Moderator
Yesterday, I woke up feeling lousy and it was downhill from there. Got the chills, and shakes...... Then came the runs..... then throwing up.... then throwing up and the runs at the same time. That is when it becomes classic, since you can't get both ends over the toilet at the same time. Couldn't sleep all night and kept going from cold to being too hot. Had two hot blooded animals keeping me warm and also stealing all the covers.... the Weimeraner and the Dachshund. The wife headed off to some other part of the house to stay away from me. She doesn't want to catch whatever it is that I have. Feeling a little better today, but not much. Who ever said that old age is the golden years? I feel like a piece of rusty old iron waiting to be recycled. Hope that everyone else is feeling well and hopefully you won't catch whatever it is that I have. Junk.............. :toilet:


Super Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Sorry to hear that Junk...

Get feeling better.

Somehow, nobody in my family is sick but I guess we have almost a week to go (someone's always sick on a holiday in my house).


New member
Junk, I'm on my 5TH day this morning and it does get better but not much!!:toilet:

You have my sympathies !! G/F is now regreting her lack of compassion!:D


Durwood RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
I had it for 4 days about a month ago. No runs but it was almost the dry heaves. Just throwing up enough that i thought i was choking. Very painful and i think i pulled every muscle in my body from it. It took me at least 3 weeks to get feeling better again as it seemed like it affected my whole body..... Just slow and easy Junkman and the body will heal itself.



Floppy Member
SUPER Site Supporter
Junk - you forgot to mention the muscle aches!
Mine started Thursday evening during our shuffleboard league...:puke1:
It weren't pretty. Started feeling better Saturday a.m.
Wifey came down with it Sunday ~ noon...


Boy, with all you people sick, I hope I don't catch it!:drink:

Junkman said:
I feel like a piece of rusty old iron waiting to be recycled.

Maybe you'll come back as a Kioti.:D


New member
JayC said:
Boy, with all you people sick, I hope I don't catch it!:drink:

Maybe you'll come back as a Kioti.:D

JC, I think that is a diferent kind of virus!!:D It does effect the hard drive in the same way!!

Kubota King

New member
I use Zicam & the stuff works great! It is a curing agent. It comes in a few different forms but I take the chewable ones. Its gaurantueed to reduce the severity & length of the sickness.


Active member
Junk et al-
You all may be sicker than a dog, but it is not the flu. Flu symptoms are similar to those of a cold (congestion, sore throat, muscle aches, etc) and can include fever, chills, etc. What you are describing sounds like a stomach virus (there is no such thing as a stomach flu). That disease is making its way around my area too. Nasty!


New member
As an et al- I can assure you that it is the flu for me but am now feeling much much better and the only discomfort remaining is not mine sooo,, I just put more logs on the fire!!:D



Extra Super Moderator
Archdean said:
JC, I think that is a diferent kind of virus!!:D It does effect the hard drive in the same way!!

My hard drive went limp years ago..... even Viagra can't bring life back to an old member.... :( :mad:


Archdean said:
You guys kid about young blonde's but there great for formating such things!!:D


Let's hope there are no corrupt sectors. Then you'd have to scrap it.:eek::D


Back From the Dead
Junk sorry to hear you're under the weather. Hope you get to feeling normal (as normal as Junk can be) real soon..... :whistle:

The wife and I both got flu shots this year but that's still no guarantee that we won't get it as well.


Extra Super Moderator
PineRidge said:
Junk sorry to hear you're under the weather. Hope you get to feeling normal (as normal as Junk can be) real soon..... :whistle:

The wife and I both got flu shots this year but that's still no guarantee that we won't get it as well.

Normal is a relative state of affairs that changes from time to time to adjust for other abnormalities....

Two weeks ago I got a flu shot and as you can clearly observe, it hasn't made one bit of difference. A few years ago I got a swine flu shot and for the following 3 months every morning I had to fight the urge to roll around in the mud. :D


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Hope your feeling better Junk. Da Flu sucks!!!!

I quit getting flu shots cause the two years I got em, I got sick. I figure as long as most around me get the shot I should be fine. :D