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Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Interesting video interview, I doubt the major media will cover this.

Extremists are patrolling the Occupy Phoenix camp with AR-15′s.
Of course, since they are not tea party members, the liberal media could care less.

From the Video: Morpheus heads to down town Phoenix at the Cesar Chavez plaza to join with other individuals to DEMONSTRATE for the right to exist! The demonstrators get some protection from JT Ready and http://usborderguard.com
Oh, and they’re not your ordinary far left extremists. They’re Neo-Nazis.
The man being interviewed, Jason Todd (J.T.) Ready, is a Neo-Nazi with a long criminal record and who received a bad-conduct discharge from the Marines in 1996.

Neo-Nazi Jason Todd (J.T.) Ready pictured on left patrolling the Occupy Phoenix protest and on right at Southern Poverty Law Center website.
Yup. They’re just like the tea party.
Related… The liberal media completely overlooked the AK-47 at the #OccupyAtlanta protest too.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

He brings up some very valid points but with his police record and bad conduct discharge he lacks credibility.


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Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

Was the one with the police record the one with thee rifle? If it was a felony record he should be arrested for illegally owning a firearm.


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Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

BCD is a felony.


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Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

Bad Conduct discharge.


New member
Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

yup, it would be interesting to know if that guy has been arrested and if not why.


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Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

BCD is a felony.
From my understanding that is not allways the case and depends on a lot of things . BUT I have no military experience myself, I am just going by info I was told by those I have known personally that have been in the military, wether they were right or not I can't say. :unsure:

But looking at his record and background, I would have to say it doesn't appear that they considered it a felony, in his case as he was stopped in 2007 with a weapon and not charged with having a firearm after a felony conviction. Ya'll read it and decide for yourselves. Much more info at the link. :smile:

Criminal History
In 1992, Ready was arrested for damage to property and aggravated assault with a weapon. He accepted a plea bargain and was convicted of assault. Ready had been with a friend who destroyed a car mirror with a baseball bat.

In 1996, while serving in the Marine Corps as a lance corporal, Ready was court-martialed twice. The first time, after being absent for eight days without authorization, he was convicted of unauthorized absence, failing to follow an order or regulation, and larceny and wrongful appropriation. He was convicted, demoted to private and jailed for three months. Later that year, Ready was court-martialed again for conspiracy, assault, and wrongful solicitation and advice. He was found guilty, spent six months in detention, and was discharged from the Marine Corps for bad conduct.

In 2007, Ready was pulled over for driving a vehicle with a fake license plate. He was carrying a 9mm Beretta handgun at the time. Ready was arrested and charged for possessing a traffic preemption emitter, which is an illegal device that can change traffic lights from red to green.

J.T. (Jason Todd) Ready attended Mesa Community College in Mesa, Ariz., where he was the president of the Mesa Community College Republican Club. In 1996, Ready joined the Marines but he was discharged that same year for bad conduct.

In 2004, Ready tried to make a career for himself in politics, running for a seat in the Arizona House of Representatives. One of his campaign goals was to defeat the threat he claimed was posed by undocumented immigrants to American health and culture. He told a reporter that the state could improve its education system if it would “deal with this mass illegal influx of foreign students who do not even embrace the same language and culture as Americans and who spread tuberculosis, whooping cough, lice, and other third-world biological diseases to other children.” He was defeated in the election.

Ready made headlines in March 2006 when he fired a pistol at a Latino man armed with a BB gun (no criminal charges resulted from the incident). At the time, he was running for the Mesa City Council. His campaign was further derailed when, shortly after Ready volunteered to act as master of ceremonies at the Mesa Veteran’s Day parade, it came to light that he had been court-martialed and drummed out of the Marines.

In May 2006, Ready led an anti-illegal immigration group he created, Americans First, in a protest on the Mexican consulate in Phoenix. He told The Arizona Republic, “We are advocating that the government of Mexico should be designated a ‘threat nation’ because they are openly subverting our laws and sovereignty.” Running as the only candidate in a primary later that same year, Ready won a post as GOP precinct committeeman in a west Mesa district. Shortly thereafter, Ready became a prominent volunteer with the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, a border-watch group described by then-President George W. Bush as being comprised of “vigilantes.”

In September 2007, Ready marched under a swastika banner in Omaha, Neb., with brown-shirted members of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement (NSM), a group he would later join. Ready gave a speech at the rally, where he was billed as an “Arizona Republican activist.” That same year, Ready quietly created a profile on the neo-Nazi social networking site New Saxon, run by the NSM, and appeared at the neo-Nazi National Vanguard's “Winterfest” gathering in Phoenix in December 2007.

In 2008, these acts came to the attention of Arizona congressmen John Shadegg, Jeff Flake, and Trent Franks. In a letter addressed to the chairman of the local Republican Party, they asked that everything possible be done to expel Ready from his position as GOP precinct committeeman. However, Ready retained his office until his term ran out in 2008, though he did not seek reelection.

Rejected by the Republican Party, Ready soon found a home with his fellow neo-Nazis, joining the nearly 2,000 registered users of New Saxon as “Viking_Son.” In 2007, his New Saxon profile displayed photographs of Ready wearing a kilt and a bulletproof vest, and scouring the desert for “illegals” through a pair of binoculars. Ready listed his “turn-ons” as “a woman who loves our Race, Kultur [German for culture], Heritage, History and Future,” identified the racist fantasy novel The Turner Diaries as his favorite book, and described himself as a big fan of neo-Nazi teen pop duo Prussian Blue.

In November 2009, Ready displayed a large portrait of Hitler at an anti-illegal immigration rally held at the state capitol building in Phoenix. When a protester attempted to take the portrait from him, Ready shoved the protester to the ground.

On June 19, 2010, Ready, now claiming he had left the NSM, took a group of heavily armed civilians into the Vekol Valley in Pinal County, Ariz., a border area noted for drug smuggling and illegal immigration. He described the action as “the Minutemen project on steroids.” Ready and about 10 other civilians, including Harry Hughes, a poster on New Saxon and NSM mailing lists, and NSM regional director Jeff Hall, armed with rifles and pistols, “secured” an abandoned building and led armed “patrols” around the desert.

Local law enforcement agents did not welcome Ready’s assistance. Paul Babeu, the sheriff of Pinal County, said: “Though I appreciate their support and offer to take up arms and patrol, this would not be helpful, and would only cause a strain on already strained resources, and their safety needs to be a priority. I do not ask or encourage them to come here.”
That didn’t seem to crimp Ready’s style. In a June 2010 New Saxon forum post, he wrote, “I would eventually like to fund a whole plattoon [sic], full-time, against the Narco-Terrorists. This will take a group effort, however. But we will take it Direct Action against the enemy and kill them (lawfully).” On the New Saxon forums, Ready requested that his supporters donate guns, smoke grenades, and pepper spray to aid the effort.
Ready claimed to have quit the NSM on July 4, 2010. He told a reporter that he intended to concentrate on the border and his personal life. Ready said he would continue his efforts to stop "narco-terrorism" by leading his self-styled militia, Ready's Rangers, on patrols in Arizona's Vekol Valley.


Active member
Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

You are wrong Cowboy.

If you have a bad conduct discharge it is a felony regardless of what it is for. BCD can only be awarded at Special or General courts martial. Some non military type confuse them with OTHC's which is an administrative discharge and not a felony. I am not arguing this point, it is just the facts.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

You are wrong Cowboy.

If you have a bad conduct discharge it is a felony regardless of what it is for. BCD can only be awarded at Special or General courts martial. Some non military type confuse them with OTHC's which is an administrative discharge and not a felony. I am not arguing this point, it is just the facts.
I'm not trying to argue either Mak , I am just trying to find out the facts. This is from an online attorney that seems to have a different opinion then yours which also agrees to what I have been told. That still dont make it fact though.

Re: Bad Conduct Discharge vs. Felony
It depends. Generally, a BCD from a special court martial means you committed a misdemeanor. A BCD from a general court martial means you committed a felony.

John K. Harris

Attorney at Law
RR 1 Box 105-P6
Beverly, WV 26253


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Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

Our legal guys always told the accused Marines to take a summary CM or NJP if possible because a Special is a felony conviction. That was from MCM of 1969. I found a couple of refreences stating that the way I remember it, but I might be wrong, it was 30 years ago. I will look it up for sure when I have more time.


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Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

Our legal guys always told the accused Marines to take a summary CM or NJP if possible because a Special is a felony conviction. That was from MCM of 1969. I found a couple of refreences stating that the way I remember it, but I might be wrong, it was 30 years ago. I will look it up for sure when I have more time.
Yup like I said Mak I am just curious is all , if you find anything that states one way or the other I would like to see it.

I found this comment from someone that seems to know what he is talking about when he was asked by someone if they could own a firearm after a BCD.

March 7, 2007, 12:29 PM
A BCD in and of itself is not a disqualifier.

However, IF the BCD was awarded by a General Court Martial, then the GCM will likely be considered a felony conviction.

As a general rule, Special Courts Martial convictions are considered the same as or similar to district or city court convictions, and equate to misdemeanor convictions. General Courts Martial are considered the same as superior court convictions, where felonies are tried.

Federal law specifically prohibits DD recipients from possessing firearms. DDs can only be awarded by a GCM. It does NOT include BCDs which are typically awarded by a SpCM (although there is that gray area about a BCD awarded by a GCM -- can happen, but not that common). It also does NOT include other less-than-honorable discharges such as the old "Undesirabl;e" or Good of the Service (in lieu of disciplinary action) discharges.

IANAL, except where I was assigned to play one on active duty. I've conducted about two dozen Summary Courts Martial (where the SCM officer is judge, trial counsel, defense counsel AND jury), sat on nearly 100 GCMs and SpCMs, and was a Military Magistrate for two years.


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Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

http://www.ucmjdefense.com/mcm 2008.pdf

It's in there somewhere. I still thing that guy is confusing Summary and special, summary is an administrative action and speical is a courts-martial. I dunno could have been the legal guys just telling the Marines that so they would take an eaiser route. I distinctly remember them telling them that though. I will find out for sure when I have more time.


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GOLD Site Supporter
Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

I just found this as well .

Discharged under dishonorable conditions. Separation from the
U.S. Armed Forces resulting from a Dishonorable Discharge. The term
does not include separation from the Armed Forces resulting from any
other discharge, e.g., a bad conduct discharge or a dismissal.

Section 922(g)(6) of the GCA makes it unlawful for persons who have
been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions to
receive or possess firearms. As ATF stated in Notice No. 839, the
legislative history of this provision shows that the prohibition
originally applied to persons discharged under ``other than honorable
conditions.'' The Omnibus Crime and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Pub. L.
90-351, Title VII, sec. 1202(2), 82 Stat. 226 (1968). However, Title
VII was amended by the GCA to limit the prohibition to persons
discharged under ``dishonorable conditions.'' Therefore, the proposed
definition provides that the prohibition applies only to persons
discharged under dishonorable conditions, but not to persons separated
from the Armed Forces as a result of other types of discharges, such as
a bad conduct discharge or a dismissal.

Last edited:


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Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

In my defense that was well after I was out.:oops:


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GOLD Site Supporter
Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

In my defense that was well after I was out.:oops:
NP Mak , but in my defense I never said YOU were wrong like you did tell me in an earlier post. :wink:


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Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

I said I was wrong, so that makes us even? :unsure:
NP Mak , but in my defense I never said YOU were wrong like you did tell me in an earlier post. :wink:


New member
Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

you sure have a crappy way of apologizing


Active member
Re: Figures… Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s – Media Silent (Video)

the BCD itself was not the reason for the felony, it is the convection at special courts-martial. So I was wrong about it being because of the BCD, the guy has a felony because he was convicted at a special courts martial.


Q. If a man has a Court Martial, does his record follow him after he leaves the Army?
A. Yes, a court martial conviction is a federal felony conviction.