Gone But Not Forgotten
We have a feeder in front of the house where we keep ear corn for deer and doves etc. We also recycle all our parrot and other birds seed for the wild birds. There are quite a few species that come in for the seed and it is funny to see the cats line up and watch them at the patio door. The front yard has a paddock look to it with a whole series of trails coming from different directions to the feeder. I scatter some ear corn around to cut down on the pushing and fighting as the deer compete for position at the feeder. There are at least 4 distinct groups that come at different times of the day. The crows come in till a few of the smaller birds run them off. We even have a few woodpeckers and cardinals hanging all winter. The turkeys have moved down the hollow to roost in the pines and will not be back till they are scared off down there or the snow melts. They eat out of the feeder as much as the deer at times.