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FEDs -vs- Small Raisin Farmers (bankrupting farmers on purpose)


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
Good for these folks! Here's hoping that the courts tell the USDA to go piss up a rope and that they stop this thievery.

Where are the Democrats and Republicans that could put a stop to this nonsense? Oh, that's right...they're busy raking in the money from the stolen produce and the big agricultural conglomerates that can afford to pay the bribes.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8S4S49TyDk&feature=player_embedded"]Feds vs. Raisins: Small Farmers Stand Up to the USDA - YouTube[/ame]
Americans are always told by the left to be worried about the Military Industrial Complex.They should be far more concerned about the agricultural Industrial Complex.

Just as Banana Republics were controlled by big Corporations, via our USA government resources, so is our food supply controlled. Same names Dole, Del-Monte, Sunkist, Monsanto, ADM.

The family farm used to be the esource of raw materials for these big corporations. Now,they are a source of irritating impeedence to them. They exploited the small farmer's back in the time of Teddy Roosevelt,,,and do so yet today.

Because of media adverstising, most Americans think ole' Jeb is out there onhis red belly tractor cultivating beans he will hand pick one dew covered morning at the peak of freshness. Truth be told, Jeb is sitting a a $200,000 machine, mortgaged to the bank, on land he probably doesn't own, and delivering mechanicaly harvested beans on contract.
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Americans are always told by the left to be worried about the Military Industrial Complex.They should be far more concerned about the agricultural Industrial Complex.

Just as Banana Republics were controlled by big Corporations, via our USA government resources, So is ourfood supply controlled. Same names Dole, Del-Monte, Sunkist, Monsanto, ADM.

The family farm used to be thesource of raw materials for these big corporations. Now,the are a source of irritating impeedence to them. They exploited the small farmer's back in the time of Teddy Roosevelt,,,and do so yet today.

Think you mean Franklin Roosevelt?
Think you mean Franklin Roosevelt?

No sir. I definitely mean Teddy.

Cuba and most of the central American nations went under USA control during the late 1800's. Mostly for economic interests. Bananas, Pinnapples and copra.

You may be thinking of FDR's farm programs which were horrible takeovers of domestic farming. And consequently appropriately considered for this OP. But such corporate collusion with our government to monopolize the food supply goes way beyond the 1930's.

"Annimal Farm" is as much about America in the early 1900's as it is about the USSR. Fwew Americans today realize how close we came to following the same path as the Bolshiveks of Russia. And we are doing it yet today.