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FCC’s Genachowski proposes broadband reform


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
WTF is wrong with this picture. :hammer:

In a Monday speech, Federal Communications Chairman Julius Genachowski outlined a draft proposal that would reform the commission’s Lifeline program to include provisions to encourage broadband adoption. The program, currently aimed at providing affordable telephone service to low-income Americans, is supported by the Universal Service Fund.
“The program is outdated, focused on phone service when high-speed Internet has become our vital communications platform,” he said.
In his remarks, Genachowski said the program has been successful, but has also been plagued with problems of accountability and efficiency. Multiple service providers are often supplying Lifeline subsidies to the same households, he said, because there is no centralized system. To address the issue, Genachowski said, the draft proposal creates a national database of Lifeline users to prevent duplicative billing. It also sets a budget for Lifeline aimed at connecting eligible consumers while staying within budget, and requires that participating companies be subject to independent audits every two years.
“The order would make Lifeline reimbursement more transparent and streamlined,” Genachowski said, calling the measure common sense. He said that FCC staff estimate the reforms will save the fund $2 billion over the next two years.
The chairman said the FCC would work with existing broadband adoption programs to establish its own pilot program using savings from its budget reforms. It will also look at how to use Lifeline to encourage adoption among those consumers.

Genachowski said the program will be “modernized to meet the needs of low-income Americans in a broadband world” and is in line with the agency’s other efforts on broadband adoption.

Related stories:
FCC approves $4.5 billion broadband fund


Super Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Free phones and internet!!! I want in on that. My current cable + cell phone is $450 per month. I wonder how many recipients of this program I'm paying for.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Multiple service providers are often supplying Lifeline subsidies to the same households, he said, because there is no centralized system.

Yeah we sure don't want any competition factored in do we. :ermm:

I wonder how many recipients of this program I'm paying for.

Funny you should say. My provider just called me and said you failed to make my payment for me.:whistling: