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FBI email...bogus or ?


New member
Just received this from Mail@fbi.gov and it has an attachment. I haven't opened the attachment and not sure if I should...I think it's a scam. The ph# and addy are legit. Anyone ever get this before? I am in the process of starting a nationwide crusade that involves fighting the problems that my trade has, and I wonder if it has anything to do with it?

>>Dear Sir/Madam,we have logged your IP-address on more than 30 illegal Websites.Important:please answer our questions!The list of questions are attached.Yours faithfully,Steven Allison*** Federal Bureau of Investigation -FBI-*** 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 3220*** Washington, DC 20535*** phone: (202) 324-3000<<


New member
I just saw this in my local paper:

Bogus E-Mails Contain New 'Sober' Worm

VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- Austria's equivalent of the FBI said Tuesday that it is investigating a flurry of bogus e-mails sent in its name to people in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

The Federal Criminal Investigations Office said the e-mails warn recipients that they are illegally in possession of pirated software, and that the messages contain the computer-crippling "Sober" worm.

The agency warned people who receive the e-mails not to open the attachments, and said it has nothing to do with their circulation.

An investigation is under way, the agency said.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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BOGUS . . . in fact there is another thread about it here on ForumsForums that I posted to where I included a story about that virus that was in the Chicago Tribune. See a thread called New Virus (or some title similar to that).


New member
Found it Bob...thanx :tiphat:

When I saw 'FBI', I thought uhoh...what did I do now :eek: and considering what I've been doing, I thought it might have been related.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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BadAttitude said:
When I saw 'FBI', I thought uhoh...what did I do now :eek: and considering what I've been doing . . .

I've been thinking about the song thread a lot lately and then I was reading your reply and the song that popped into my mind was "Up against the wall you red neck mother. . . " But it also leads me to wonder what the heck are you doing?


New member
B_Skurka said:
But it also leads me to wonder what the heck are you doing?

up to no good as usual...and living up to my name as well, which btw resulted from all the BS that the Big 3 pass on to us.

I'm organizing a crusade to fight back now, and while I may be just a small fish in the big sea...like what's in junks condom hehe...big things come in small packages too:D


Bottoms Up
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GOLD Site Supporter
Good luck BA. Tell us more about it when you can.

Bob, you sure come up with some off the wall song titles in the song thread. Keeps it interesting. Good job.


New member
Not much to tell right now since the operation is still in it's infancy. In order to get the attention it needs, something radical will have to occur. Trust me...it will cuz that's something I excel at :D ;)

To give you an idea of some of the BS is going on, most of the automotive manufacturers have a private forum for their techs to share tips, knowledge, etc and general beefs. At the forum for...Fix Or Repair Daily...techs were discussing some of the scams that the big boys in the corporate office pull off. Well the big boys got wind of it and squeezed the dealers to axe those involved. Talk about low life scum...

There was a time when we could openly share newly discovered short cuts and tricks that would allow us to perform a warranty repair within the alloted time the manufacturer thinks it should take. No more!! Bad enough the warranty labor times are unrealistic in the first place, but when they cut the time even more because someone found a way to possibly break even...it's time to fight back. The greed of these corporate stuffed shirts has taken on a whole new meaning, and unless it's brought under control soon, the motoring public is going to have a rude awakening.

The complexity of new vehicles is changing faster than what most believe it is. The day is fast approaching that no one will be around to accurately diagnose, let alone repair them. GM and Ford's current problems are just the beginning of what's to come. Will they survive? Sure they will...but the problems they face are much more deep rooted than what they want you to believe.


Bottoms Up
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GOLD Site Supporter
Sure sounds like you have an uphill battle. Talk about David vs Goliath ....
Good luck BA. Keep us posted as you can.


New member
Thanks Doc
I'll keep you folks informed when it starts rolling. The one thing I have in my favor is the fact that I have connections to access alot of dirt on the Big 3. Just need to use it appropriately and at the right time. Legal issues could send me up the river if I'm not careful. Uphill battle it is!!


New member
BadAttitude said:

When I saw 'FBI', I thought uhoh...what did I do now :eek: and considering what I've been doing, I thought it might have been related.

Beleive me, the FBI won't send you an email to make contact.....

(neither will the IRS)

Don't ask me how I know this............:2gunsfiri