• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/



New member
Hi Guys,
Maybe this is already posted here, but are you a member in Facebook? I just joined it couple of weeks ago, its a good way to keep in touch with people around the world.

I own a Ratrac-snowcat (ie. Thiokol), everyone having the same hobbies or similarly minded are welcome to be friends :) (I don't care what brand you have, all snowcatters are welcome!)

My name is "Maister Proper", hope this link works... http://www.facebook.com/profile.php...&ref=profile#!/profile.php?id=100001831471509



New member
I am the starter of this topic (long time ago), in the meantime I deleted my FB account but now I'm back. As I'm finally being able to move my Ratrac inside and start the project would be nice to have other snowcatters as friends. Some of you already joined when I had the previous account - unfortunately all contacts were lost when I left... Anyway, its not that serious - any snowcatter is welcome to join! I try to publish a lot of project photos as always... :) I'm currently trying to get rid of other projects to make some time, and I managed to sell my Land Rover and Ford-pickup away (this happened today). I'm still keeping the 7.3 Diesel from the Ford as I decided to use it for my snowcat project... Lets see if it works - anyway, good advice is always welcome!

My profile: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002333824084


Btw. its not my real first name on the profile - I prefer not to give my complete real name for Facebook - just to avoid black helicopters flying over my house ;)


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
I see we are not the only ones with those helicopter problems!:yum: I don't do Facebook but will follow anything you post here. Good luck on the project. I am trying to finish a few around the farm so I can start enjoying retirement.:whistling:


New member
I see we are not the only ones with those helicopter problems!:yum: I don't do Facebook but will follow anything you post here. Good luck on the project. I am trying to finish a few around the farm so I can start enjoying retirement.:whistling:
Thanks! The forum is pretty quiet, must be because of the summer. I'm following your postings as well :respect:

Btw - regarding your avatar, when I moved to Germany from Finland I had a '91 Chevy pickup. I found an old Ronald Reagan campaign sticker which I added on the rear-window of the truck. I got some bad comments here in Germany when people saw the sticker - got them pretty quiet when I asked should I have Hitler instead :yum: I later sold that truck WITH the sticker, I guess its still there! Whats wrong with Ronnie, I always liked him! (Those were the good old times)


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Reagan was a lot better than those who followed him. We had more security and a good economy back then. Wait till you see some of my other avatars!:yum::yum::yum: