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Expert Shows Elon a Video of Optimus LIFTING a Grand Piano!

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
11:19 min.

Tesla Stock News
Tesla Stock News
16K subscribers


Feb 18, 2024
In today's video, we'll delve into the various charging methods, from battery swapping to induction charging, that fuel the futuristic prowess of Tesla's bot. But before we get into the technical details, let's take a quick peek under the hood, exploring the challenges and innovations shaping the future of Tesla's bot and how these advancements could transform industries worldwide. Buckle up for a journey through cutting-edge technologies powering Tesla's next big leap forward, charging up your curiosity and igniting your imagination. And to add to the excitement, we have Dr. Scott Walter, a renowned Tesla bot expert, joining us to debunk doubts. Before we dive in, show your support by liking this video and subscribing to Tesla Stock News. Now, let's get started on this electrifying exploration!
Amazing, I think. Who knows what we will see in our lifetimes!
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I think it's sort of creepy. Being that strong, imagine if one got mad at you. CRUNCH! Or, the next door neighbor that hates you buys one. In the next day's news: "A man's personal Optimus malfunctioned yesterday, and attacked his neighbor. The victim is currently in the hospital undergoing treatment for every bone in his body being broken. He is excepted to maybe possibly recover. Charges will not be pressed, as the machine appears to have been beyond his control" Just sayin'...

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
I think it's sort of creepy. Being that strong, imagine if one got mad at you. CRUNCH! Or, the next door neighbor that hates you buys one. In the next day's news: "A man's personal Optimus malfunctioned yesterday, and attacked his neighbor. The victim is currently in the hospital undergoing treatment for every bone in his body being broken. He is excepted to maybe possibly recover. Charges will not be pressed, as the machine appears to have been beyond his control" Just sayin'...
Do you really think that you can command it to harm someone?
I think it was in the top 3 things that the designers would never allow. To do so would open them to all kinds of liability lawsuits.
Elon Musk is odd in ways, but certainly is not an idiot.
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Do you really think that you can command it to harm someone?
I think it was in the top 3 things that the designers would never allow. To do so would open them to all kinds of liability lawsuits.
Elon Musk is odd in ways, but certainly is not an idiot.
You are right, the designers would probably not allow that. But then all you need is some computer screwdrivers and a little knowledge of electronics.😁