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Europe......Then and Now.....


Extra Super Moderator
This is a translation of an article from a Spanish newspaper.

All European life died in Auschwitz By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez

I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth - Europe died in Auschwitz.
We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.
The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. These are the people we burned.
And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.
They have turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in fi lth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.
And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition. We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for hoping for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs.
What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe.
Av8r3400 said:
Wow. That's a powereful piece of writing. Good find, Junk.

I agree. Good one Junk. Welcome back ....if you are back. Are you back or just checking in from Spain on a mission digging up interesting tidbits?
Excellent find. I keep seeing stuff like this here and there in my readings. I have no European friends and have not been to Europe but my impression is that there is a lot of anti Muslim feelings in many if not all countries in Europe.
Seem to me that there are some spooky parallels to be drawn relative to our current immigration situation.
I am not trying to add fuel to a fire but a lot of what has happened in the world over the last few years makes me think that all of this is not going to turn out well. The rise of anti Muslim sentiments in Europe and the United States has not abated. I know my own feelings and I know the opinions of my friends and in the past I think a lot of people in this country were ambivalent at best. With Sept 11, the Spanish train bombings people opinions got hardened a little - but not as much as you might have thought. For me the thing that really brought the issues out and made it very clear what type of ideology we were fighting was the Danish Mohammed cartoons. The guy in Afghanistan who was going to be sentenced to death for converting to Christianity comes in a very close second. Unfortunately I think for a lot of people the historical importance of these incidents hasn't really sunken in yet. I think the realization that the Islamic world really means a lot of what they say - like total eradication and/or subjigation of the Western world has not been cemented in peoples brains yet. There will be further incidents and I truly believe that things are going to get worse. If the terrorists are dumb enough to launch a major attack against France and the millions of Muslims in that country demonstrate in favor of the attack that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Things will go downhill from there.
jdwilson44 said:
I am not trying to add fuel to a fire but a lot of what has happened in the world over the last few years makes me think that all of this is not going to turn out well. The rise of anti Muslim sentiments in Europe and the United States has not abated. I know my own feelings and I know the opinions of my friends and in the past I think a lot of people in this country were ambivalent at best. With Sept 11, the Spanish train bombings people opinions got hardened a little - but not as much as you might have thought. For me the thing that really brought the issues out and made it very clear what type of ideology we were fighting was the Danish Mohammed cartoons. The guy in Afghanistan who was going to be sentenced to death for converting to Christianity comes in a very close second. Unfortunately I think for a lot of people the historical importance of these incidents hasn't really sunken in yet. I think the realization that the Islamic world really means a lot of what they say - like total eradication and/or subjigation of the Western world has not been cemented in peoples brains yet. There will be further incidents and I truly believe that things are going to get worse. If the terrorists are dumb enough to launch a major attack against France and the millions of Muslims in that country demonstrate in favor of the attack that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Things will go downhill from there.

I think there are several issues here that are getting lumped together. The United States is learning about Islamic culture and is shocked by some of the religious laws that have been in place for thousands of years. They're not new laws, but they are new to the U.S. or North America or to a lesser extent "the west". People have been getting beheaded in Shari countries for centuries. When I worked in pre-gulf-war Kuwait, the state-run newspaper would list all of the hands and heads being cut off in Saudi for various crimes.

Formerly-industrial Europe is digesting the poverty of millions of immigrants - not just Muslims. The whole eastern block along with starving Muslims now have doors open to them. I would be pissed, too.

I still don't believe that Islam wants to eradicate us. I think that the extremists/fundamentalists are pissed and feel that the "west" is responsible for porn. That's the crux of it! That's silly, of course, but worthy. With a state adopting religious laws that restrict adultery, exposure of the body, and alcohol consumption, the West can be viewed as being opposed to the state. As a society we embrace alcohol, advertise with sex, and promote condom use among our unmarried children.
beds said:
I think that the extremists/fundamentalists are pissed and feel that the "west" is responsible for porn. That's the crux of it!

I have no clue what the Muslims are upset about, but I'm surprised to here that porn might be at the crux of it. The reason I'm surprised is that Europe has always been more open with nudity & sex. Ofcourse they don't call it porn ...but either way it is showing a naked or nearly naked body. They have the 'Naked News' and, yeah, I'll admit it, I wish we did to. :D
Doc said:
I have no clue what the Musslems are upset about, but I'm surprised to here that porn might be at the crux of it. The reason I'm surprised is that Europe has always been more open with nudity & sex. Of course they don't call it porn ...but either way it is showing a naked or nearly naked body. They have the 'Naked News' and, yeah, I'll admit it, I wish we did to. :D

I agree, the U.S. is more "puritan" in the way that it views nudity than European countries. By the "west", I meant to include Europe - or at least the portions of Europe that have been democratic for some time.

And that rant was just my opinion. They're likely more upset with the U.S. for it's support of Israel. But their religion is literal and is interpreted very little. There's not alot of room for their faithful to start sinning and be forgiven like our Christian culture. As the global community and the internet makes it easier for this taboo material to be consumed, the extremists will worry that their religion will be in jeopardy.
"The West" is generally considered to be Europe and the Americas, as well as Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. In general terms it excludes Africa, India, and Asia. Although some Asian nations are very 'westernized' in their economies and South Korea and Japan would fall into that category, yet they are spiritually vastly different from the west.
Doc said:
I have no clue what the Musslems are upset about, but I'm surprised to here that porn might be at the crux of it.
I think we need to study what their gripes are, if we will ever understand the turmoil we see today. Porn, and even women voting and driving, are seen as Western corruptions to conservative Muslim purity.

Secular Arab states (including pre-war Iraq) are more interested in political and economic independence.

The more conservative and fundamentalist Arabs (Saudia Arabia, Bin Laden, etc) want to totally eliminate what they see as Godless and corrupting Western cultural influence from their homelands.

And some states (Pakistan) have both factions arguing about who is in the driver's seat.

We need to understand these various viewpoints if we hope to settle the turmoil in the mideast.
California said:
I think we need to study what their gripes are, if we will ever understand the turmoil we see today. Porn, and even women voting and driving, are seen as Western corruptions to conservative Muslim purity.

Secular Arab states (including pre-war Iraq) are more interested in political and economic independence.

The more conservative and fundamentalist Arabs (Saudia Arabia, Bin Laden, etc) want to totally eliminate what they see as Godless and corrupting Western cultural influence from their homelands.

And some states (Pakistan) have both factions arguing about who is in the driver's seat.

We need to understand these various viewpoints if we hope to settle the turmoil in the mideast.

"We" will never settle what is wrong with the Mideast - it is purely a problem that "they" need to solve themselves. Think of it this way - how many people in this country do you think would take kindly to radical Muslims constantly telling people in the United States how to solve some of their problems.

US: We have problems with gay rights groups constantly demanding more laws to protect them.

Muslims: Kill them -that's what we would do.

US: We have problems in our schools - boys dont learn as much as girls do.

Muslims: Girls dont need to go to school - kick them all out and that will solve the problem.

US: Our elected leaders do not represent us the way we want them to.

Muslims: that is because your country is not run by religious leaders. Get rid of your system of goverment and enact Sharia law and all your problems will be solved.

Yeah - I can see everybody over here being really happy about all that great advice about how to fix our country.