I have been looking around at a few survival kits to be used in case of hurricane, tornado, ice storm, or whatever. I have not found any that contain everything I want or think will be needed, but this one is as close as any I have found: http://www.quakekare.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=13
Does anyone have any experience with Quake Kare? I'm wondering if the things in their kits are o.k., or are they junk?
The same questions go for The Ready Store and their MREs: http://www.thereadystore.com/mre/case-of-mre/mre-single-deluxe-full-meal-case-of-12
Thanks, Bob
Does anyone have any experience with Quake Kare? I'm wondering if the things in their kits are o.k., or are they junk?
The same questions go for The Ready Store and their MREs: http://www.thereadystore.com/mre/case-of-mre/mre-single-deluxe-full-meal-case-of-12
Thanks, Bob