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Early start on the chores ~ too hot to wait!


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
8am and I'm going to fire up the tractor and begin mowing the valley area of the property. Its still not so hot outside, and the sun in low enough that I won't bake myself while mowing. The valley area is far enough from any other houses that I won't be bothering any of the neighbors with the mowing.

Yesterday I did the area around the house in the early afternoon, forgot to take an allergy pill and that played hell with my eyes. No need to repeat a silly mistake.

DaveNey said he was starting his chores at 6am today. I presume by now his horses have been fed/watered and he's already got in some tractor seat time. But he is more rural than I am and has fewer neighbors to disturb.

Anyone else getting an early start? Or did you already start?
I start around 4 am every morning in the shop while its cool (80 degrees lately ) doing what ever service/fueling I need to do to both tractors . Then I mow for a couple of hours , let that tractor rest and disc & move dirt with the other one .

I allready did my mowing this morning a taking a break . Headed out to move dirt in a little bit as its supposed to be 100 by noon . Its supposed to get 107 today according to the forcast but I bet it gets even hotter. it was still 100 degrees at 9pm last night so I have to get most of my work done earlly mornings . :smile:
In for a COLD WATER BREAK and got the rear 2 acres in the valley done, including the shooting range, 1 hour. Not bad time, and I did a good job.

The remaining 3 acres of the valley will be done soon. Not too bad outside, YET. The good thing is that the remaining area has quite a few trees for shade plus 1 large open sunny area, but the rest of it is light tree cover so I'll be going from shade to sun to shade again.

I think the forecast for us is 91 and humid. It usually is a few degrees shy of the actual temps so it may hit mid 90's here?
I was out pulling weeds by 6 am. Then worked at cleaning the Prius and pulled the RTV out of the building to get the skid steer in to grab a bale for the cows. While I was hooking the spear on it started to rain real good so i pulled the RTV back in and came in the house. Looks like it will just be a quick shower but we will take anything we can get. Neighbor was back looking for his cows but I have not seen them since I left him a message at 5:30. He will have to get out of bed if he wants to catch them!
We got down to 57 but are already back at 73 and muggy. 88 this afternoon will feel miserable with this humidity!
This is the first time I had to come in because of lightning as long as I can remember . Just checked the radar and there are storms to the northwest of us moving in, but it looks like they will breakup and go around us again . :hammer:

I think the last time we even got a drop of rain was june 13th . I cant even get a full bucket of dirt because its just dust. :sad: Its allready 92 here and 50% humidity and barelly 10am . :doh:
Things are heating up outside.

Got 85% of the mowing done, the sunny/treeless spot in the valley area is the only spot left on the whole property. I'm thinking I'll leave that for someone else to finish. While mowing along the edges I got "bit" by one of the wild multiflora roses and the thorns dragged across the inner part of my elbow giving me a nice set of scratches. My leg also started to get sunburned so I took my hat off, rested it on my leg and now the back of my neck is also sunburned :sad:

I'm thinking the pool (with loads of sunscreen applied first) may be the right place to sit today. There are a few bottle of Shiner Bock left in the fridge to keep me company while I'm out there.

The local Perogi-Fest is finishing up today, we thought we might attend but its so darn hot outside and reports are that the food this year is sub-standard.
I didn't get as early of a start as I wanted. Decided to sleep in while the wife and kid were in French Lick for the weekend. Today was all mowing for me. With the torrential rain of the last three weeks, I haven't actually mowed in over a month. Even worse, the tractor has a flat so I mowed almost an acre of 10" grass and weeds with a walk behind gas mower. All while it was 90 degrees and 85% humidity.
We are so dry I can't even justify the gas to cut the few weeds that are still growing. Grass is brown and will stay that way till we get considerable rain. Got another quick shower this afternoon but not enough to get things green again.
Well, I may have to start being a morning person.

I went out today about 2 o'clock to mow. I raised the mower up about an inch so I'm just rolling over it and knocking the tops off the junk grass. I mowed for just over 2 hours, excluding an hour messing with a sprinkler, and gave up. I've got about 3 hours work left and I may go do another hour before quitting time.

I did have an interesting thought while I was sweltering out there. A Kubota B3030 or B3000 with a cab, turfs and fine cut flail mower could be had for something around $25K. Now, how can I convince my wife that it's a necessary expenditure? I think I may get some quotes from a few landscaping companies for cutting the yard. When she sees that the payback time is about 4 years, we may just swing it ... I think not.

Oh, I forgot to mention that it was 104 today and it's supposed to get hotter later on this week. I think that makes something like 34 straight days of a 100 or over, 42 this year, and with more to come.
Well, I may have to start being a morning person.

I went out today about 2 o'clock to mow. I raised the mower up about an inch so I'm just rolling over it and knocking the tops off the junk grass. I mowed for just over 2 hours, excluding an hour messing with a sprinkler, and gave up. I've got about 3 hours work left and I may go do another hour before quitting time.

I did have an interesting thought while I was sweltering out there. A Kubota B3030 or B3000 with a cab, turfs and fine cut flail mower could be had for something around $25K. Now, how can I convince my wife that it's a necessary expenditure? I think I may get some quotes from a few landscaping companies for cutting the yard. When she sees that the payback time is about 4 years, we may just swing it ... I think not.

Oh, I forgot to mention that it was 104 today and it's supposed to get hotter later on this week. I think that makes something like 34 straight days of a 100 or over, 42 this year, and with more to come.
Glad to here it cooled of for Ya Frank . :biggrin:
Its strange but its even hot up here in the Idaho mountains . Thank God for cold nights .

The indians are saying its going to be a early winter around here . The white man is cutting wood and a lot of it !!!!:whistling::w00t2:
Glad to here it cooled of for Ya Frank . :biggrin:

Thanks for the sympathy Cowboy. I notice that it's not time to break out the thermal underwear up where you are either. :smile:

It's bitchin' bad. We've had 1/2" rain in the last two months. The grass at the farm is basically dead and all the ponds are all dry except one. We're in the process of getting a deep well drilled that we're going to use to fill the lake back up and irrigate what we can. There's no hay this year and you can't buy any locally. Our neighbor is negotiating to buy some baled corn stalks for his Longhorns but ours won't touch that. There's going to be a lot of cattle hitting the market soon as ranchers dump the animals they can't afford to keep and beef prices will be sky high come the end of the year.
Now is the time to buy cattle if you have the feed. By next spring/summer they expect prices to jump 40-60 cents a lb. If I could talk the wife into it I would keep a few over the winter and fatten them up. Don't look good for second cutting of hay unless we get serious rain soon.
I just ordered another tri-axle load of logs yesterday. My Amish buddy and his boys will come down and cut, split and stack it for backhoe work I did before he moved. I have to go get them to get it done but that will set me into next year. All the local mills are shut down so slab wood is hard to get right now.