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Dumb,dumb, dumb


Gone But Not Forgotten
Man ! What was i thinking ??????? I have 150,000 gallons of water rights per day off my stream in the front pasture . I built a nice pond for the animals and critters to enjoy and come drink from . The Elk love to play in it . Its a gravity feed 2"pipe that keeps the pond full . I also teed off the main line and installed a line to the barn as a back up water system . I have a complete jet pump and holding tank set up for it . I only forgot one thing ! To install a check valve at the tee !!!!! I cannot get it to suck !!!Its 3 feet down and I can not be sure where it branches off the main line !!! Time to drag out the backhoe and start tearing ground up !!!:w00t2:
i think you mean shallow well pump not jet pump. if so you should be able to coax it to prime with a wet dry vac or a vac pump hooked to the discharge side. then put a check valve on the suction side of the pump. this will hold its prime as long as the pipe that you teed into is allways full of water......i think. it would sure beat digging. if not you can rent what are called 'geo phones" which are like stethiscopes on steroids. and send a sewer rat to the tee and bang it against the tee while someone listens for the noise. good luck
Good suggestions Poo guy. Knowing Al, he probably has it all dug up already.
Good luck with it Al
Can you go to the intake end and install the check there?
That won't work cause I have a air vent in the system . It's about 500 feet of buried line . I''l need to put the check vave at the tee in front of the suction line . Worst case is i'll bury a thousand gallon tank and dump into it and branch off to the barn .