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Down graded US credit rating


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Standard and Poors just downgraded the US credit rating.

Monday the blood letting will begin in earnest on the Stock Market....

Don't have the story yet, it was on the radio.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Well we went from $14+ Trillion in debt to $17+ Trillion with the new debt ceiling. How can giving crack cocaine to an addict improve his health?


Wait for it.
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Pelosi urges transparency:yum: :hammer:

Finger pointing follows debt downgrade

GOP targets Obama administration, which faults S&P figures

Standard & Poor's downgrade of the U.S. government debt rating brought indignation from the Obama administration and finger pointing from leading Democrats and Republicans.

Minnesota Republican Michele Bachmann called for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's resignation while House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Democrats "who run Washington remain unwilling to make the tough choices required to put America on solid ground."
The Obama administration took issue with S&P.
"A judgment flawed by a $2 trillion error speaks for itself, a Treasury spokeswoman said after S&P went ahead with lowering the debt rating a notch to AA+ from AAA despite a White House claim the ratings agency overstated future federal debt.
The S&P report cited "the gulf between the political parties" evidenced during last week's debt-ceiling debate that resulted in legislation designed to cut over $2.1 trillion over 10 years among its reasons for the first-time lowering, but GOP leaders laid the blame on President Barack Obama, according to reports from NBC News.
Story: US government loses triple-A credit rating "President Obama has destroyed the credit rating of the United States through his failed economic policies and his inability to control government spending by raising the debt ceiling," said Bachmann, Minnesota Republican and GOP poll-leading candidate for her party's presidential nomination in 2012.
"President Obama is destroying the foundations of the U.S. economy one beam at a time," she said. "I call on the president to seek the immediate resignation of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner."
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Learning lessons
Boehner said Republicans have learned their lesson from out-of-control spending in Washington for decades.
"The spending binge has resulted in job-destroying economic uncertainty and now threatens to send destructive ripple effects across our credit markets, Boehner said.
"Republicans have listened to the voices of the American people and worked to bring the spending binge to a halt," Boehner said. "We are no longer debating how much to spend, but rather how much to cut. Unfortunately, decades of reckless spending cannot be reversed immediately, especially when the Democrats who run Washington remain unwilling to make the tough choices required to put America on solid ground."
"The administration and Democrats in Congress had sought an increase in the debt limit without any spending cuts or reforms. Republicans made clear the American people would not tolerate that and fought for the largest spending cuts possible. With the Budget Control Act, we made a positive first step toward reducing the debt, but much more must be done.
"As S&P noted, reforming and preserving our entitlement programs is the 'key to long-term fiscal sustainability,' " Boehner said.
Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty, former Minnesota governor, said the downgrade is "a reflection of the failed leadership of President Obama. He really is inept when it comes to the economy. He's had over three years of being president. Barack Obama has had his chance and it's not working."
Story: Debt downgrade: Experts offer views on effects Former Senator Rick Santorum, R-Penn., also a candidate, noted the downgrade "happened on the president's watch."
"The markets are scared and the credit downgrade has happened because the president and this Congress continue to address the symptoms and not the disease," Santorum said.
Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, blamed "the old crowd of elites" for offering "fake" budget cuts and tricks instead of taking "bold actions to reduce out-of-control government spending, and get the federal government out of the way of small business and entrepreneurs so that they can start hiring again."
Pelosi urges transparency
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., cited S&P's call for transparency in the work of a 12-member joint committee created to produce more than $1 trillion in additional savings over the next decade.
"Without regard or respect for the recent S&P comment on our nation's credit rating, it is important to note the role that transparency and accountability play in making their judgment," Pelosi said. "As S&P stated, 'The transparency and accountability of institutions bear directly on sovereign creditworthiness because they reinforce the stability and predictability both of political institutions and the political framework.'
"The American people are watching to see if the bipartisan Joint Committee will develop a plan to responsibly reduce the deficit in a balanced way while promoting economic growth and creating jobs."
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the downgrade underscored the need for a "balanced approach to deficit reduction that combines spending cuts with revenue-raising measures" such as doing away with tax breaks for the wealthy and oil companies.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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You know, if this wasn't such serious crap, it would be funny!

It WOULD be funny to everyone but Tim Geithner's mom, who just found out what type of language he uses in the White House :yum:


New member
so, what happens? predictions?

last time it happened was 1917.

2 weeks of a spiral down untill a bottom, and we no longer have internet ?

another depression?



New member
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Our national debt jumps by a higher percentage as we are force to pay higher interest rates. These are passed along to borrowing of all kinds from credit cards to home and corporate borrowing. Pretty much leads to a depression instead of a recession but then what do I know about it as the debt ceiling has always been just that in my life time and not tied to the next budget.


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as the debt ceiling has always been just that in my life time and not tied to the next budget.

Yep, always approved and increased by politicians, at the request of politicians, without question or challenge.

Look how well that has worked out.

Just swimmingly.


New member
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Well it is paying for what has already been spent, hence the word debt. Now that has nothing to do with current spending which is Congress responsibility to set a budget and stick to it.

Danang Sailor

nullius in verba
GOLD Site Supporter
Well it is paying for what has already been spent, hence the word debt. Now that has nothing to do with current spending which is Congress responsibility to set a budget and stick to it.

I agree, but in today's situation you might want to consider moving this part of your post over to the Jokes section! :brows:



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Well it is paying for what has already been spent, hence the word debt. Now that has nothing to do with current spending which is Congress responsibility to set a budget and stick to it.

The first sentence is a difference without a distinction. It is also an inverse of how things work in the private sector. There you get your loan approved and THEN you go make your purchase. Only in goverment do you go on a bipolar spending binge and then claim that if you can't cover your bill with new credit that you will go bankrupt.

And it has everything to with current spending and sticking to a budget. The practice to date, of approving every requested debt increase without question, has conditioned our congressional jackasses to spend with impunity, knowing the bill will be passed on to the non voting unborn, or taxed via inflation to the world at large.

Pikes, my pikes; where did I put my fookin' pikes.


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Well down 635 on the Dow, tomorrow may jump up a bit with some buyers looking for deals, but I think they are going to dry up quick and continue on down.

Lot of people are really going to be hurting with this crap that the congress and white house think is a game.


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tomorrow may jump up a bit with some buyers looking for deals,

You are probably correct on that. However somewhere out there is the inevitable sucker’s rally that will occur. Kind of like what drove it back up to 12k or so from 6700.
A sucker's rally fueled by nothing more than freshly printed money backed by only the diminishing faith and even more quickly diminishing credit of the USA.

On the other side of the sucker's rally is the pit.

The pit is dark and deep.

The sad thing is we could have fixed this back in 08 with substantial but survivable and manageable pain; and we could have done it more or less on our terms. But we did not. We had another chance with the recent debt ceiling negotiations; we chose no again.

Math will fix it eventually; and on its terms.

This one will leave a mark.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
You know, if this wasn't such serious crap, it would be funny!
Somehow I have a mental picture of some rich asshole (George Soros puppet master) sitting on his thrown while petting his favorite black cat saying with an evil laugh "once again everything is going according to my plan, its good to be king " . :glare:


New member
there's alot of retirees hurting right now, or soon will be. i talked to our CPA today, he thinks alot of retired are going to see their investments GONE. and they'll be sitting with no money.:sad:


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Somehow I have a mental picture of some rich asshole (George Soros puppet master) sitting on his thrown while petting his favorite black cat saying with an evil laugh "once again everything is going according to my plan, its good to be king " . :glare:
Looks like I might have not been to far off . :whistling: Full article at the link.

Who 'made $10bn on 10/1 bet that U.S. credit rating would be downgraded'?

A mystery investor or hedge fund reportedly made a bet of almost $1billion at odds of 10/1 last month that the U.S. would lose its AAA credit rating.
Now questions are being asked of whether the trader had inside information before placing the $850million bet in the futures market, or if the bet happened at all.
There were mounting rumours that investor George Soros, 80, famously known as ‘the man who broke the Bank of England’, could be involved.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...US-credit-rating-downgrade.html#ixzz1UXxej0kM
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...US-credit-rating-downgrade.html#ixzz1UXxVvreu


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Why does that sound like something he would do?

Obama isn't smart enough to get where he is without someone else pulling the strings.

When Obama stands alone, he is totally inept!


Gone But Not Forgotten
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When he sells off his gold it will drop like a rock and he will buy it back and make more billions. Just a little redistribution for himself.:whistling:


Diesel Truck Fan
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Anyone that sold off early yesterday and bought back just before the market closed made a boodle today.