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Dog Survives 6 Story Toss By IDIOT Owner


legendary ⚓
FF Patron
A young Brooklyn man hurled his dog from the roof of a Brooklyn housing project - but the pooch miraculously survived the six-story plunge, officials said.

Fabian Henderson, 19, was busted Friday for the cruel crime against Oreo, who ended up with shattered legs, bruised lungs and severe internal bleeding.

"It's just remarkable she survived that fall," Joseph Pentangelo of the ASPCA said of the 1-year-old terrier mix.

The heartless act happened June 18 at the Red Hook Houses and left Henderson's neighbors stunned.

"It gives me goose bumps," said a resident who would only give her first name, Elester.

The ASPCA initially received a complaint that an animal was being beaten on the third floor of 28 W. Ninth St., where Henderson lives with his family, Pentangelo said.

A few minutes later, the ASPCA got two more calls from people reporting a dog had been thrown off the roof.

ASPCA officers took Oreo to a nearby animal clinic, where she was stabilized. She was then transferred to an ASPCA hospital where veterinarians performed surgery to reconstruct her front legs using plates and screws.

Oreo is recovering under the care of the ASPCA, which owns the poor pup after Henderson relinquished his rights to her, Pentangelo said.

Henderson's mother, Samantha Henderson, 41, told the Daily News Friday she's never seen the dog before and doesn't believe her son did it.

"I was surprised that he got arrested for that," she said, noting the family has a pit bull mix named Diamond. "He's basically a quiet person, good with animals."

But an ASPCA investigation revealed numerous witnesses saw Henderson toss Oreo off the roof, Pentangelo said.

After Henderson was arrested, he admitted he'd done it but refused to explain why, sources said. Henderson later changed his story and said the dog jumped, sources said.

Henderson's mother's claim that she has never seen Oreo before conflicts with a June 6 incident in which Henderson was arrested. A city housing cop spotted him walking an unleashed dog fitting Oreo's description, law enforcement sources said.

The officer collared Henderson after learning there was an unspecified warrant out for his arrest, the sources said.

Henderson, who is unemployed, was charged Friday with aggravated cruelty to animals, a felony punishable by up to two years in prison.

He was also charged with reckless endangerment, because the 45-pound Oreo could have hit a person down below, and criminal trespass, because the building's roof was off-limits, Pentangelo said.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_...er_throws_her_off_red_hook.html#ixzz0N2rGpCQf


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