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did I just screw up, worx yard trimmer


Charter Member
just bought it, will let you all know how well she likes it later, when we get it. any one else have one, any thoughts,

and no I dont beleive all the positive responses on the website, they take off the bad ones....................

at least now she MAY let me drive the bota to cut the grass again
Well we put it thru the tests and it is going back, less 37.00 shpping costs. The thing does good, really it does, but the ONLY problem being the batteries just dont last the hour, most was half that, and they dont always charge in the hour. They dont stay up when not on the charger either.

mechanically it is sound, stays where you move the head, line is GREAT GREAT..............really tough, we have used about 8 hours on the starter spool. It is lightweight, moves well, does all it should, but we have more to trim and at this rate we would never get done.

if you have a small yard with yard grass, and not much to do, it will work well for you. With our many flower beds, pond, house, drive, garage, it just wont last long enough to do the job.

I would love to have some of the line for the 14 year old trimmer I have..........like I said that is some tough line.

worx weedeater, battery powered..............if the batts last longer we would keep it.
I would love to have some of the line for the 14 year old trimmer I have..........like I said that is some tough line.
Does it use standard .080 line? If so, I've found the Husqvarna Titanium line to be incredibly strong.
:yum: In the title of the thread I thought you were spelling worst in a 'different way' on purpose. So I thought you had the worst yard trimmer and were telling us about it. :yum:

I've never heard of a brand worx. Guess it doesn't work so well though if the battery runs down that quick.