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Debt Video- tax the rich!


Bronze Member
SUPER Site Supporter
Everyone is going to have to pay more taxes.yes,even people that don't pay any,it is the only way to even pay the interst on the debt, spending cuts will reduce the debt increase,the sooner people relize this the sooner we can get started.flat tax anyone?


Just cut the obscene spending -- problem solved.

Whilst I would agree with you GB, I guarantee that such actions wouldn't lower your taxes one cent. They'd just waste them on something else, and they would all, without exception, still keep their noses to the throughs... :hammer:


Active member
Whilst I would agree with you GB, I guarantee that such actions wouldn't lower your taxes one cent. They'd just waste them on something else, and they would all, without exception, still keep their noses to the throughs... :hammer:

Of course my solution has the prerequisite of a government that knows what its real purpose is.

The Gov't gets MORE than enough money from taxes right now than it needs, and just needs to get its nose out of so many things it shouldn't be involved in, plus learn to run efficiently.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Our "great" neighboring state of New Pork (NY) has just passed a law to raise the income tax level on those making more than 1M/yr. They are calling it a jobs bill. :yum:

New Pork is one of the most outlandish run away spending states there is right along with Kalifornia & NJ. Not sure when all these libs are going to learn it's all about the spending, if ever.