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Dear Abby, Why do I wake up at the good part of a dream?


Super Moderator
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USMC Veteran
GOLD Patron
Dear Abby,

I'm taking some meds that give me incredibly vivid dreams.

The bad part is that I wake up at the really good part. :sad: It normally involves some fine lady getting naked. :boobies:

How can I stay asleep? I really want to finish these dreams.

Thanks in advance,
Dream Weaver.
Dear weaver: Get a large inflatable doll to sleep with. You seem to be missing a comfort companion to sleep with.:biggrin:
Dear Abby,

I'm taking some meds that give me incredibly vivid dreams.

The bad part is that I wake up at the really good part. :sad: It normally involves some fine lady getting naked. :boobies:

How can I stay asleep? I really want to finish these dreams.

Thanks in advance,
Dream Weaver.
Dearest DW,
Have a vigorous wank after you are roused., forget about the dreams.. until they happen again.
Wash, rinse.. repeat.
Hope this helped!
After learning how not to wet your pants at a young age, it's hard to break the habit!