• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Deactivated my Facebook account


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
Only been on Facebook for maybe 6 months.

I did really come to appreciate the family updates from Facebook. Those are things I will miss.

What I won't miss are the inane and vacuous "likes" from some of my liberal friends/relatives.

But mostly I stopped it because of security concerns related to some weird things that were occurring with my computer. It would run slow after I logged into FB and would continue to run slow until I rebooted the computer. It then ran fine until the next time I logged into FB.

I don't do Facebook. For me there is too much potential for abuse. The latest idea that Facebook is storing contact lists is disturbing. Even if you put a phone number on a private page, Facebook can and will collect that data for its own use and for sale to third parties. One of the advantages of no land line is the total lack of spam calls. If Facebook sells contact cell phone lists, that will change.
Wish someone would convince my wife of this. I show her the headlines about the viruses etc. that this site brings with and she still has to play those silly ass games and bitch to me about how slow her computer is. She logged in on my desktop (whose processor is twice as fast as her laptop) and could not believe how fast it was. My machine is clean as a bell and I don't allow any cookies etc. to be on it. Yeah it makes log in a little slower but nobody is looking at my stuff either. I don't have an internet history for anybody to find either. A search for my name comes up empty.
I've always felt there are security concerns no matter where you post on the net.
Somewhere there is always a big brother watching you.
Wish someone would convince my wife of this. I show her the headlines about the viruses etc. that this site brings with and she still has to play those silly ass games and bitch to me about how slow her computer is. She logged in on my desktop (whose processor is twice as fast as her laptop) and could not believe how fast it was. My machine is clean as a bell and I don't allow any cookies etc. to be on it. Yeah it makes log in a little slower but nobody is looking at my stuff either. I don't have an internet history for anybody to find either. A search for my name comes up empty.
Not true , I did a quick bing search and came up with this . Looks like Tsaw outed Ya . :w00t2:

I've always felt there are security concerns no matter where you post on the net.
Somewhere there is always a big brother watching you.
I think you are correct. Internet by its very nature is not too secure. For this reason I do not post any information on the internet that I do not have to. I pay bills with an old fashioned check. I have a very low limit credit card which I use on the internet and mostly use it to pay off PayPal. The part that scares me about Facebook is being able to access my phone number from your account. Access is always a two way street. If you can access them, they can access you.
I refuse to open an account. My wife wants me to so she can use it to help her out on the silly games. But with my job being in the public eye, no way. I could see it now. Someone looks at my FB page and I seem to be playing games all day..........but I was at work.