I had run into him a restaurant a couple of years before but had not noticed anything different about him, have often wondered if I had reached out somehow, maybe things would be different. Always did wonder about about that short shotgun he had purchased while in college and about what that thing was really good for. The problem had been around for many years and nobody noticed.
I don't have anything to do with the mental health field. My opinion is that no matter what you would of done, even if you did know about your friends intentions, you wouldn't of been able to do anything.
With some, it's cry wolf, with the others who are "serious", you along with others would have no clue until its to late.
We are all responsible for our own choices. Yes, if chances permit, help, however realize you can only do so much.
This may sound horrible of myself, but I despise those who need others to take their own life (aka suicide by cop, throw yourself in front of a car...) It's one thing to hurt your loved ones, it's another to have someone do your own dirty work.
Last week had a neighbor up the road about 1/2 mile kill himself. Good health, pushing 70, my farmer neighbor told me that he had cancer real bad and didn't want to go through chemo (sp?) Only time in three years living here I've heard sirens (sheriffs going to the house). The guy who killed himself talked to this farmers sister last year when she had cancer (she died seven months ago). She went through chemo as well and apparently didn't help. Talking with the farmer, things didn't look good for this guy.
Thats kind of man I feel sorry for. Wanting to live, but to proud to want to go through crap and pretty much destroy your body just so you can make it look like your trying to stay alive, and your already at the end of your life in years. What to do? In some insane way, I admire him for ending it on his own terms. I don't know if the term would be if I had the balls or if I was crazy enough to do what he did if I were in his position. Although if I were in his postition, I can't say the thought wouldn't cross my mind and perhaps stay there.
Not to get a religous debate going, but for those who are of Christain faith, I know you shouldn't take your own life, but at what point will, or would God understand?