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Dang it Microsoft


Gone But Not Forgotten
I downloaded Office 2010 Beta who knows how long ago. Planned on doing a bunch of Excel Sheets tonight. Opened the program and a message pops up stating my trial has run out and will close the program. None of the Office Programs work. You would think they would have given some notice. I can uninstall if I wish but a lot of my files.are in the newer format. I like 2010 alot so I have no plans of going back. The notice would have been nice I would have bought it last week.
That sounds about right. A billion dollar corporation forcing an upgrade that makes you pay.
That sounds about right. A billion dollar corporation forcing an upgrade that makes you pay.

I did expect to pay. After all I downloaded it as a trial, loved the program over 2007 and knew someday I would have to pay to continue it. I am even sure they told me how many days it was going to run but I didn't right it down. I just wished they would have told me a week ago that I had 7 days left or some warning. Now I am in limbo at work, can't even get my emails until some computer place opens and really don't have a chance to look for a better deal.