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Customer Service


Charter Member
Well, after spending two evenings on the phone, I've got my DSL working again (sort of).

First I called Earthlink... I waited and waited, and finally talked to someone name "Mike" who sounded like he was from New Delhi. He transfered me over to Sprint, and the nice lady there said the problem was in my router. She transfered me over to Belkin. I could hardly understand the fellow at Belkin... I think he was in Pakistan. I think he said everything was set correctly on my router, but I needed to change some setting on my modem.

Night number two-- I called Sprint again tonight, and I told the man there exactly what Belkin told me, and he told me to set everything the opposite. So after another 90 minutes on the phone tonight, right now I'm back on the internet, but I've not able to use my wireless on the laptop. At least I'm back online again! :smileywac I'll tackle the router issue tomorrow!

Kudos to Sprint for still having customer service jobs in the U.S.
Nothing against people in other countries, but when I call with problems, I want to be able to understand them AND I want them to be able to understand me.
AndyM said:
Nothing against people in other countries, but when I call with problems, I want to be able to understand them AND I want them to be able to understand me.
I once spent a week trying to get ahold of a CSR that I could understand. I actually just quietly hang up and try again if I can't understand their very first scripted greeting sentence. It has taken me more than a dozen phone calls before I am able to deal with the person.

I feel your pain!

Don't be afraid to ask for a person you can understand. They will transfer the call.

I've had to deal with Dell customer service a few times. I always ask them what their weather is like. If they have an accent I ask what city they are in. Bombay seems to be a common answer.

One time on a Dell call I wasn't able to understand the poor soul so I asked to be transferred to some who spoke English as their native language. He sent me to a very nice lady in Canada, eh! She couldn't authorize the fix and she sent me to a guy in Texas with the best Texas accent. Talk about around the world in 80 minutes.
