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New member
Has anybody spiked the cleats on an SW or J-5?
Feasible? Bad Idea?
Looking for some 'sideways' grip.

Never tried it !, The sound the crossers make as they rub the underside of the fenders from time to time is enough. Spinning is a no-no,when the crosser finally gets a good grip bad things happen ie: broken axle ! :smile:
J5 Bombardier
Thanks J-5.
I hear you on the shock loading.
My main concern is whether or not the cleats will crack, either from welding, or from the added stress of a point load.
Use long bolts in the track ?

You also might be able to put a piece of angle iron on a bolt.

I'm not sure either is a good idea but welding on a grouser is going to mess with the tempering.
I don't know about a J-5, but my SkiDozer (1973 model) had some sort of ice cleat additions on the grousers. I don't have icy sidehills here, so I took them off, but judging by their wear and appearance, they'd been on for a long time with no apparent damage (they were bolted onto the grousers).
pixie said:
I'm not sure either is a good idea but welding on a grouser is going to mess with the tempering.
That's what I was thinking; but I took a file to one of them, and it did not appear to be that hard.

The angle iron idea would go, but it's a bit more labor intensive.