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Considering purchasing a Tucker 442


New member
Hi all. I'm considering buying a '65 Tucker 442.

1). I'm new to Sno Cats (but decent w/ cars/machines) - are there any areas that I should focus on checking when I go out to check it out? Common failure points, things that wear out and are hard/expensive to replace, etc.
2) Are parts still available for these? I was hoping to find a bunch of aftermarket companies that support these since they're so popular but I don't see much (just a bunch of places that say they sell parts but no online catalog so you can see what they support).
great you are asking good questions, truth is, there is very limited parts available for all machines, though, there are several guys that do repairs the only company that sells parts for a pontoon machine is tucker inc, rollers, links, logos, etc

Minn. outdoors is a great company to work with, they support all makes and models of rubber track snow cats, don't think they have anything when it comes to tucker

as for what to look for, wow, either you want it to be restored back to OEM or run it till it breaks and fix that and continue to run till the next break down, IMHO, I believe the best snow cat for the money is a snow trac. thiokol is a good machine also, I would look through the forums and read others experiences in repairing and or restoring a tucker, there is a wealth of info.

as for tucker, look at all wear contact points, a fiberglass pontoon is a better way to go, tucker has the history that no other machine has.

stay orange and tucker on in a snow trac or thiokol
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Thanks for the reply!! The parts are what worry me the most. I can make a lot of things (I have a CNC plasma cutter, welders, etc.) but if they're super complex or whatever...

Thanks for the heads up on what to look out for as well. I'll give it a good looking over - it's an old machine so it's going to have some wear and tear, I'll just have to find balance.

Thanks again for taking the time to share your experiences!
no vintage Tucker parts here, don’t go in there ! Seriously just enough to mine going
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