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Congress To Fund Massive Expansion Of TSA Checkpoints


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Dont this just make you feel all warm and fuzzy. :glare:

Congress is set to give the green light on funding for a massive expansion of TSA checkpoints, with the federal agency already responsible for over 9,000 such checkpoints in the last year amidst increased fears America is turning into a police state following the passage of the ‘indefinite detention’ bill.​

The increase in funding has nothing to do with the TSA’s role in airports – this is about creating 12 more VIPR teams to add the federal agency’s 25 units that are already scattered across the country and responsible for manning checkpoints on highways, in bus and train terminals, at sports events and even high school prom nights.
“The TSA’s 25 “viper” teams — for Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response — have run more than 9,300 unannounced checkpoints and other search operations in the last year. Department of Homeland Security officials have asked Congress for funding to add 12 more teams next year,” reports the L.A. Times.
The demand for $24 million in extra funding is in addition to the $110 million spent in fiscal year 2011. The figures are completely independent from the federal agency’s role inside the nation’s airports, which costs taxpayers $5 billion a year.
The extra money is being demanded despite the fact that there is “no proof that the roving viper teams have foiled any terrorist plots or thwarted any major threat to public safety,” according to the L.A. Times report, which also highlights how the TSA’s sniffer dogs are used to single out people for questioning if the dog smells the scent of the owner’s pets on their clothing.
The appearance of thousands more checkpoints on America’s highways and at key transport hubs will only heighten concerns that the country is headed towards a Soviet-style police state.
Such fears were again expressed last week following the passage of the National Authorization Defense Act, a provision of which empowers the government to arrest Americans and hold them in a detention camp with no legal recourse.
With the federal government now seeking contractors to provide staff and supplies for “emergency camps” located around the country, the possibility of innocent Americans being swept up in a dragnet following a declaration of a national emergency has never been more of a threat.​
The TSA is being used as a literal occupying army to ensure Americans who travel anywhere are constantly under the scrutiny of Big Brother.
  • lg.php

    Back in October we reported on how Tennessee’s Homeland Security Commissioner announced that a raft of new “security checkpoints” would be in place over the Halloween period to “keep roadways safe for trick-or-treaters”.
Earlier that same month it was announced that Transportation Security Administration officials would be manning highway checkpoints in Tennessee targeting truck drivers.
After public outrage, the TSA attempted to neutralize the controversy by claiming that the inspections were carried out by State Troopers (the TSA agents were there to try to recruit truck drivers into becoming snitches for the ‘See Something, Say Something’ campaign), and that the checkpoints were merely temporary.
In reality, the program was the latest phase of the TSA’s rapidly expanding VIPR program, under which TSA agents have been deployed to shake down Americans at everywhere from bus depots, to ferry terminals, to train stations, in one instance [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1B3AubsTBo"]conducting pat downs of passengers[/ame], including children, who had already completed their journey when arriving in Savannah.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
From the comment section and not that far fetched for the future IMO. :sad:

And with the “Superbowel” coming soon there are going to be some changes by your government too …
All home viewers will be required to log in and swipe their new DHS approved identity card or use the retina scanner app to make sure you’re not a terrorist, posing as you.
Your children will be monitoring your alcohol and food intake with their iPhone app linked to DHS headquarters streaming live video and sound of your living room, for your safety.
At halftime a TSA agent will come to your door with a Breathalyzer to make sure you haven’t had too much to drink.
While the agent is there ask about our Free Home Search and vehicle inspection at absolutely no cost to you.
They will also want to do a pat-down of all your friends just in case you missed something when you patted them down earlier.
Other than the paperwork you will need to fill out after the game and the online query on how you feel about winning/losing, you should have a wonderful DHS/NFL experience.


Master of Distraction
Staff member
SUPER Site Supporter
This will continue until we put someone "radical" like Ron Paul in office. Nothing would change under Romney, Gingrich, Perry, Bachman, or any of the other Republobots in office.


New member
look up "operation viper"

many in the law enforcement community have been keeping an eye on this, as it's illegal in some states.


Unemployed Veg. Peddler
SUPER Site Supporter
If you want to see a police state, go to Sturgis. More darn cops around then I have ever seen in one place except for the time that the doughnut truck overturned on the interstate.

I was able to interact with them while down there this year, they let me blow in a little tube as I do not put my feet down until I get to the stop sign and my front wheel wobbled a little with all the stop and go traffic. It was really fun watching them call up my insurance agent at 2:30 in the morning as I did not have my insurance card on the bike. She was really concerned for my thinking that I had an accident as they did not tell her what was going down.

By the way I did pass the breathalyzer as it is not designed to pick up tobacco breath.

It is here folks and it is going to get worse.