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Comprehension aid


Active member
I would like some feedback to understand a topic that I don't quite get the meaning of.

24 years ago, I was at college and we were split into two groups to do a Visual Media excersise. One of the members of my group was approving our ideas, but offering none of his own. At one point, because I felt he was bored, I asked him what was up and he said he wasn't all that interested. The other group looked more lively, everyone was more laid back, so I thought he might be more comfortable in it. I asked him if he wanted to join them instead and this caused a strange reaction.

He looked at me like I'd just knocked his cap off and said, "I'm speechless, Paul." I was confused and didn't answer, not seeing why he would be, and then he said, "shut up, Paul."

I told him I was only making a suggestion and he said "don't push it, Paul."

Can you please explain why this person reacted the way he did?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Makes sense. He must've been caught off guard. What I don't get is why he felt the need to be aggressive. What did he mean by speechless?
We see the push back from "liberals" when confronted by "conservatives" in our politicized world today.

Seems like the same sort of aggressive reaction.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Makes sense. He must've been caught off guard. What I don't get is why he felt the need to be aggressive. What did he mean by speechless?
Because he is obviously a self-indulgent ass.

When we get caught with our pants down, we can blush, or we can bluster. Assholes bluster