hello all, I've been messing with my bombardier ski dozer 252 gasser a little bit thes past few days which have been very cold days 20 degrees below zero actually.
I've started the machine a couple of times in this bitter cold, once again this morning. It's very cold so it starts stiff, once it fires and begins to idle (fully choked) it seems like it runs nice for a few seconds then the belt driven hydraulic pump starts making a lot of noise and it seems to be putting a load on the engine.
Do you think the pump is dead heading?
Or maybe my filter is restricting flow?
It doesn't do this unless it's bitter cold.
But, I kind of need it to work in "bitter cold"
Any feedback or ideas much appreciated.
I've started the machine a couple of times in this bitter cold, once again this morning. It's very cold so it starts stiff, once it fires and begins to idle (fully choked) it seems like it runs nice for a few seconds then the belt driven hydraulic pump starts making a lot of noise and it seems to be putting a load on the engine.
Do you think the pump is dead heading?
Or maybe my filter is restricting flow?
It doesn't do this unless it's bitter cold.
But, I kind of need it to work in "bitter cold"
Any feedback or ideas much appreciated.